okay mike...
I actually went by barns & nobles last night. I couldn't find the book. What section would it be under? I was looking under 'self help' section but maybe I didn't look hard enough. I ended up reading the bio on bob marly. The book wasn't as interesting as I thought so I didn't buy it.
I'm still reading through the book of Matthew. Some of it sounds familiar, like I've read through it before (but it's most likely what I heard preachers go over). I'm finding it interesting nonetheless.
This one verse is something that really stuck with me. It speaks about anxiety, which I seem to have a lot of.
Matthew 6:34
Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
There is plenty more for me to learn though, so I'm not going to rip out a page of the Bible and run with it like I got all the answers.

Yeah, and my xbox account is used up, so I definitely need new hobbies. I can definitely afford to read some more.. Why the hell not- I'll buy the book you recommended on amazon. It's killing me, just working and having nothing to look forward to when I get home.