enfp can be shy
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  • ahahahahha noo don't say sorry it's nothing ahahahahaha anyways hope you had a nice and happy happy christmas.. hope you have a nice new year too :) :)
    Thanks for the good wishes, and Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to you too Shy-baby!
    Thank you, enfp. I liked your response as well--so full of insight into the male mind. Frankly I didn't expect to get any respose at all, so it was fun reading what everyone had to say.
    Who said I wasn't high? :P I guess it applies quite well to the INFJs as well I just don't know how many of us are able to maintain a consistent level of creativity since it might be connected to our inner state of mind which imo seems to alter quite quickly and frequently. Hey, I'm gonna watch some Amazing race with my sister, but see you soon, right? Kiss
    Well, you're right. If my S can't spot it, my N will have to the the work. *Turns her back to reality and pretends that it's the evening of the 24th. Snow is falling silently outside the windows and a fire crackles in the fireplace as a tree stands vast and illuminated in the centre of the room.* There we go.
    Hi enfp can be shy!!! Back at cha'!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let's make our years amazing!!!
    Hello hun, merry Christmas to you, too! D'you have a good time? I'm kinda sad it's over already...
    hi!!!! :) :) hey thanks again... you don't really have to say all those nice things ahahaha it sounds like an excerpt from an inspiring poem/story ahahahaha

    you do compliment a lot!!!!!! :) :) you don't have too

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *HUG HUG HUG*
    hello again :) :) hey thank you.. i always thought what i say is always meaningless... but you thought differently :) :) super thank you!!! *hugss*
    Oh! Austria was so pretty! I've only seen Vienna, though, since we didn't stay there long and headed off east to Hungary soon... Traveling to a place where you have friends is a really good thing, I'd say. Makes you see the city from a different angle! :)
    Haha thank you so much lovely.
    I hope you have a wonderful christmas and a happy new year.
    Lets both be set and determined to reach our dreams together!!! Loves <3
    Ah, it's never too late ;) I'd say depending on where you go, summer is usually the best time of year, although it can get pretty hot n' dry in some regions. But really, anytime is a good time.
    Heehee, sounds like a mixture of a Basel/Bern dialect. Nice motto to live by, now you made me curious... As if I needed more places that I'd like to go to!
    Have you been to Budapest or P
    Prague was amazing! Those gothic cathedral facades at night!
    Aww, and I wanted to show you around Zurich! Not too shabby living here, true. :P Never been to Luxembourg, though. Is it worth it, then?
    It sure did have the safety bars. But small as I was I felt like I could just slip through them :mcute: . Oi, I'm glad you didn't get robbed. Quick runner?
    Oh yeah, dim hostels and dark alleys are the best (or the most intense experiences?)! People just don't appreciate the unknown and mysterious enough anymore.:mlight:
    True. It's too easy to forget the nice things that ones sees every day. I've been to Paris once. I think it was amazing, even though my sister thought it would be funny to pretend to push me off the Eiffel tower. (aw, good ole childhood memories)
    You've been there more than once?
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