enfp can be shy
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  • Thank you for the compliments! I am glad you found Boards of Canada. Such depth, I can't describe it very concisely without going into paragraphs. I am very glad there is another ENFP here!
    To enter the serious Go schools you need to be 6-dan amateur. I have never even been to Asia. :-)

    It will be interesting to see the progress of computer Go. I like to watch the randomized bots play. They are not as predictable as the others.
    So... How to learn Go? I started 13 years ago, but I only really did some serious studying the first 5 years. There are no Go shools in Europe that I know of. The really talented ones, that have potential to turn professional, go to eastern asia to study.

    The ranking scales are a mess, there are several of them, but more or less, the amateur scale goes from 30-kyu to 6-dan, and the professional scale from 1-dan to 9-dan, where 1-dan professional corresponds roughly to (imaginary) 7-dan amateur. I'm 1-dan amateur obviously.

    There is quite a wealth books on of Go theory translated into English. Those books and playing lots and lots of games on the internet is what western people use as tools to improve. I have about 1 meter worth of Go books in my book shelf. :-) Pattern recognition is a very very important skill to train. Many books are completely devoted to little puzzles that the author (a professional player) has put together to illustrate some concept. They have names like "1001 Life&Death problems", "501 Opening problems", "The art of connecting stones". There are also many books dedicated to pure theory.

    This is what a seious Go student does every day together with playing games, games, games. "Lose your 50 first games as quickly as possible" is a famous proverb.

    The best Go server is Kiseido Go Server (KGS) by the way, if you want to try it.
    I wrote this message yesterday, but I think you may have not received it... sorry about that.

    Sure, I will! But it is late now and I need to get some sleep. I'll be back tomorrow. Btw, a change of approach from expert systems + brute force to Monte-Carlo simulation resulted in a sudden, and somewhat surprising, improvement in strength of Go bots just a few years ago. Google it if you like. It's interesting read.
    Yeah, humans outperform computers at Go. I find that aspect of the game very attractive. Surprisingly enough, young children learn the game very quickly. I think the most striking example is one of the japanese all-time masters, who turned professional when he was 11 years old. Too young imho, but still. I started when I was 22 and now I am ranked 1-dan and have stagnated since long.
    Supermods? Heehee. No, just two of 'em :) And I didn't realize that my posting wall was disabled before.

    Anyhow, high-fives for friends!
    Last Dawn wishes that enfp can be shy has a fabulous day and may peace be upon him:hug:
    Thank you :) I'd love to hear you sing, by the way. Hope you find the confidence to do that some day.
    thank you :) yeah i guess about 3 days but my throat still hurts a little but its so much better, and i'm not feeling nauseous anymore
    i'm glad you're better now and that it didn't last too long, hmmmm, that's interesting, maybe yours was more of a psychological thing? i mean because it happened after we discussed my symptoms. what do you think?
    thank you :)

    yes i'm getting better sort of, my fever is gone and my throat is much better, was still feeling a little nauseous but better than before, thanks, oh i didn't know you were having health problems, i'm glad you're doing better and hope you fully recover soon. :)
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