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  • Aha! I can see it now. I had accidentally flipped to hide user customizations at some point, probably when I was fiddling with my account on my new laptop.

    I love it. It's quite pink. :)

    Light, soft pink, a deeper pink, and then a pink with a tinge of purple, and reddish accents throughout.

    It has a kind, inviting feel to it.

    The blue for your links (like where it says Send Private Message) is the only thing that doesn't quite match up; it's a little hard to see in some places, so something with more contrast might be ideal.

    But I like it! :D
    I'm not seeing any colors on your profile, did you turn them off for the time being?
    your profile colours are intense, but grand, like a Raymond Chandler novel with a feather boa wrapped throughout it.
    Oh crap, I forgot to turn flux off before choosing all the colors.

    And I'm colorblind.

    I need someone to confirm that this isn't horrendous.
    I realize I'm a pain in the ass here... It just shows my unfinished stuff about muir. You can ignore me if you feel uncomfortable. I'm cool either way.
    It makes me sad, but I am in therapy and doing the dbt workbook and reading about the disorder, as well, so I am managing it. I really hope you can find peace amid all the injustice and cruelty. I have struggled with such myself.
    Yes, from what I have learned one cannot escape some form(s) of trauma in their lifetime. Some people have a higher tolerance, however. My intolerance is attributed to borderline personality disorder.
    You are so welcome. I wish I had been referred to it decades ago. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :) HUGS.
    I find it very interesting that the Drs. attribute excessive levels of rage to testosterone...

    Fools, I be ragin'! ;D
    The green one. I got mine on Amazon. The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook by Matthew McKay and others. "Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation & Distress Tolerance"
    Folic Acid (or a b-complex with a high daily % of folic acid in it) and vitamin E, specifically. I usually just say pre-natals because typically these are a great multi-vit for women regardless of pregnancy. Folic Acid and vit E helps hair grow faster - not thicker. So this would be beneficial for you to use now. Some other side benefits from long term use of this are softer skin texture as well, and who doesn't want that? lol. And yeah, I would probably wait till your hormones are in a more female friendly range to start up on biotin. The pre-natals really helped me when I went through a stressful/depressive state and my hair started falling out. It really helped to grow it back so much quicker.
    I have read it several times actually…it’s a good one for sure! Very helpful in many ways.
    It’s the whole STAYING in that mindset while life happens around us that is so incredibly difficult!
    I try to instill in my Son now that life isn’t fair…no matter how much we want it to be, how much we crave justice in the world…it will still flip you on your head.
    I do believe though in the idea of Karma…or at the very least “What goes around, comes around.” and that if we cultivate love we will get more in return…the same goes for the reverse….if you are a shitty, dishonest person, then that is what you will get back.
    Even then…life will not play fair…it is just a bit more comfortable…those things give us reasons to exist.
    People care about you…I know there must be someone who loves you.
    This is my stupid parable that I have elaborated on…life is river…(stay with me haha)…it’s full of rocks and eddies and dangerous routes…if you are fighting the flow and facing the wrong way two things happen - You cannot see the obstacles until you slam into them…and it will wear you out incredibly fast so when you do hit an obstacle you cannot deal with it.
    If you face forward…let life take you where it will…you can see the obstacles far off in the distance and make the smallest of corrections to avoid it.
    But life will still crash you into the rocks, so if you aren’t fighting it, you have the strength to fight when life does throw a curveball.
    I hope you are doing well today…have a good one okay.
    I mean it.
    I was just talking to vandyke about similar ideas and I quoted him the Dali Lama - “What is love? Love is the absence of judgment.”
    To truly love ourselves we have to be easier on how we judge ourselves too.
    We are all on our own pathways that will take us where we are supposed to go IMO…if we are always fighting the current it will pull you under.
    You have lots of friends here that have your back just so you know.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!
    i expect nothing.

    except maybe a cute animal gif once in awhile.

    how are you?
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