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  • W
    Sorry....I didn't say that right: I went to all the trouble to enroll (validate my email) for your website and cannot see how I make a thread or post...
    Hi, it seems I went to all the trouble just to post something and it seems I cannot. What's the point? Am I missing something?
    That is really awesome!
    I hope you can maintain that mindset for as long as possible!
    Do you attribute that to anything specific?
    Could you tell me why I have three threads I've started. I did two, what's the third? I can't remember it.
    Pretty good for the most part, I have my off days, sometimes weeks, but you know…I have a lot of really great things in my life too.
    How about yourself?
    You really did get the pink theme down quite nicely. :)

    Good color saturation, and a rather splendid, cozy overall feel. ^_^

    The BG image ties everything together, too.
    very cool. my mother grew up on a large dairy farm and i spent parts of my childhood in the country, but im basically a city boy. but i do love the peace and quiet that is part of country life. it is sort of a dream of mine to move out of the city, but i doubt it will ever happen due to the kinds of work that are available in the city.
    Thanks :hug:
    What were you doing in the small town? In reading about small towns in these novels it's interesting, because the characters are often larger than life and wanting to do big things, but they're also engaging with small-town type values.
    That was a picture from the strange movie “The Man Who Fell To Earth†I believe.
    He plays an alien stranded on Earth and uses his Martian knowledge of technology to build a corporate empire who’s ultimate mission is to return him to Mars…the government finds him out and drama ensues. I have always loved Bowie!
    I'm still working on it
    Does this work?

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