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  • Hey…ahem, sorry I haven’t typed out your reading.
    It’s not something I can do when I am distracted, and I don’t feel I give people my best when I am either.
    And I have to feel right mentally and physically too, which can be a challenge sometimes as well.
    These last few days have been very distracting though I was able to pull your cards, which takes time and concentration in itself.
    Taking Sensiko to work…feeling good…I’m all yours.
    Expect it in a few hours.
    I apologize again for the delay!

    lmao, that's perfect. Jammin' to it right now!

    Thank ya Dragon, made my night. :)
    If I ever use it…which is very rare…because though it makes you sleep…it doesn’t take away any anxiety type symptoms…it just makes you so zombified that you sit there with suppressed anxiety till you fall asleep.
    I break it into fourths because anything more it waaaaay too much.
    But I haven’t used any in months.
    Oh god, you and me both!
    But perhaps that is what we need to learn while here?

    I go crazy here at home…I mean I went from working 100+ hours in a pay period to doing nothing.
    And believe it or not, I miss the intensity that comes with the job.
    Keeping my mind occupied is key I think.
    Well, it still seems to be moving in the right direction…same with me, I feel way better than I did a year ago…but it’s just been too slow for me sometimes which just makes me frustrated.
    I’m sure you understand.
    Thanks Dragon! :)

    From what I've heard it's gonna be interesting... err, fun.

    Yeah, I mean fun. :D
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