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  • Perish the thought. I'm a good boy. :mcute:

    I actually preferred the Japanese voice acting in Psycho Pass. Not that it matters of course, because I won't be watching it illegally.
    Cool, that's good to know. I'll check it out when it's available to buy, and definitely won't download it illegally from the internet.
    I doubt it would be in any theater over here. There might be one cinema in Dublin that specializes in Anime which would show it, but that would require a four hour drive. Are you planning to see it?

    I've just started the third Mistborn book. Is it wrong that I like the changes in Sazed? I don't enjoy him being depressed, but he's gotten so much more interesting.
    Actually I had a nightmare last night involving that series. I was Elend, pissed off that they were building a giant statue of Kelsier and so I blew it up. It crashed onto the slums, killing hundreds of skaa. The worst part was all the guilt. I even tried to kill myself in the dream.
    phew, sounds intense. (but im sure youre just being modest). but yeah, keep me away from that stuff. im sticking with human information accessibility promotion.
    I think humans are highly adaptable. If evolutionary psychology is a thing, it's got everything to do with evolving toward greater adaptability. If it is a nesting trait, if males become the nest builders (which could certainly happen) then the behavior might reverse
    At 25 I still find it difficult to talk about, but I have hope, so at least there's that.

    Yeah, I would have preferred if the show had focused more on her and less on the macho rivalry between Shinya and Shogo. Then again, there are very few anime series which don't feature a testosterone fueled relationship between two guys.

    I'm not too bad, finished reading the second Mistborn book which I really enjoyed. I also started his "Way of Kings" series. If you haven't read it, it's well worth the time. It's as much a philosophical treatise as it is a work of fiction.
    Hey Dragon, how's it going? I like your psycho pass profile pic, in case I've never mentioned it. Tsunemori is quite an interesting character.
    No, no worries, I didn't mean it as a negative, just an observation lol, my bad if it came off that way
    Yea I was taking that into consideration. Hard to pick up much of anything over text really, and you've been basically absent all of January some of Feb, at least in my purview. But still, I have felt that way. Call it that kookie infj intuition I guess.
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