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  • Well I'm a teacher and I'm suffering in the process and the system ...
    I don't know if I can change things... I have the desire but I dunno.
    Well it's much worse in Iran

    Would you please take a look at this thread? my last post ...see if you agree with Skarekrow
    Totally related to what we're talking about in TED thread

    When we read it in my class, I think the title was "Phenomenology of Perception." I don't think I read most of it, just a few parts because we covered quite a few philosophers. Here's a link to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy's Merleau-Ponty page. Great resource:
    Aw thanks! I thought you were correcting my *i* with *we* to include gist and i was like well yes, i know, but i can only speak for myself!! :D
    If you're meaning the one with green stripes, no. Until I googled a lot and found out that he is Putin from anime called Usavich. :D http://www.anime-planet.com/characters/putin

    Aw, crap.

    *looks sadly down at hands*

    That's a lotta fate to hold. I better beef these suckers up ASAP.

    Just the other day I dropped an apple mid-bite and watched in silent, mournful resignation as it fell to the floor. The universe is a couple sizes up from an apple. Got my work cut out for me.
    I think it may very well be climate change here to doom us all. ;_;

    And thank you. :}
    Glad you're happy with your profile. ^_^

    Mine tends to be blues or greens. :]
    Nah, all of Michigan is actually Eastern, except for like the little westernmost sliver of the UP, which is Central.

    And dang, NM! I hope things have finally cooled down a bit for you guys, it just did the past couple days here.
    Yup, I'm in the US, Michigan.

    Eastern time zone.

    Woohoo! Insomniac badge of honor! *sleepily raises arms in weary celebration* :p

    "Obnoxiously girly," I laughed out loud. :D

    It's perfectly, delightfully girly, and the darker links mesh well. ;)

    Fight the world, Dragon. Fight the world. *pumps fist into the air*
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