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  • ooh. nice.
    hiking. i wanna go. My bro. is going this weekend.
    what kind of things do you like to read and sing?
    what's the book about?
    yeah, well it started out as a science fair project, wasn't really sponsored by the school.

    what about your interests?
    meh, took an MBTI test sophmore year of HS and scored INFJ. after some googling, there was this site.

    um, music, working out, sleeping (that can count, right?) umm i think i have stuff on my "About Me" section.
    heh, if i were to take i guess i'd say i was within 6 mos of your age.
    why psych? i guess it seems like a typical INFJ thing
    never heard of it. what's it about?

    you don't have to answer if you don't want, but how old are you? in school? or already graduated?
    today was work from 1000-1900. Now applying for jobs.

    (i know, my life is dull.)

    Hey flipper. Sorry to be asinine, but please don't take it personally. I'm temporarily adding you to ignore list. Oh great, another dramatic bastard, I know. Just hang tight. I'm praying for you. I want you to heal from your carpal tunnel syndrome. Plus, I'm not so sure I explained my story of faith to you correctly, so now you must think I'm a screw-loose (wasn't I from the start? :D ) Best of luck to you. I really hope you get things worked out with everyone, and the dramaness gets resolved. I pray you stay strong and not let your emotions get the best of you. Hope you don't forget me when I decide to message you some 4 months down the road :P (would you even want anything to do with me by then?)

    I know what you must be doing at your computer screen: :roll eyes:

    I'll miss you though, honestly. Take care now
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