Hey flipper. Sorry to be asinine, but please don't take it personally. I'm temporarily adding you to ignore list. Oh great, another dramatic bastard, I know. Just hang tight. I'm praying for you. I want you to heal from your carpal tunnel syndrome. Plus, I'm not so sure I explained my story of faith to you correctly, so now you must think I'm a screw-loose (wasn't I from the start?
) Best of luck to you. I really hope you get things worked out with everyone, and the dramaness gets resolved. I pray you stay strong and not let your emotions get the best of you. Hope you don't forget me when I decide to message you some 4 months down the road
(would you even want anything to do with me by then?)
I know what you must be doing at your computer screen: :roll eyes:
I'll miss you though, honestly. Take care now