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  • U
    Thanks! It's nice to be here. I really like reading your posts by the way. :)
    But I wantz to keep them ALL!

    I ended up deleting 50 messages, and there's still loads more! :D
    Thanks :)

    Aww, you'd be fine - Can't be worse than mine, and I'm sure many of the people here would love to here from you - Myself included ;)
    Pffft, we're obviously beyond cool.

    Honestly though, have you ever seen two introvert-shy guys together - total lady killers... :pound:

    Don't think I would've made it this far without him, really a great guy. :)

    You should definitely make a video though, I'm sure it would turn out great ;)
    Yeah you could say that, somehow I submitted a video though... I'm still not sure where my mind was that day :shocked:

    Anyway, skippy will be submitting his soon or facing my wrath :m030:
    He did a great job with his, he just needs to submit it :)

    You plan on making one?
    Are you lying or you really think so? You best not be lying to make me feel good!

    ...I'm looking at it again. It looks like fat bat. I think if I looked at some owls, I would have had a better idea on how to draw one. So I'll say I think it's well for drawing one on a whim : D
    It's a mixed breed, howabout that! :)
    I loved at least drawing the spooky branches. That part was most fun

    Edit: owl & bat love. I'm laughing about that. You know it's creepy when an owl hoo's, but a bat hoo'ing takes the cake! :D
    I made an edit to the post. The pic turned sideways now! What's going on??!! Anyway, can you see it now?
    Oh shoot! I'm having technical problems! I'm not good with computers, so it might take me awhile to figure how to upload properly..
    Here's that really shitty owl pic I drew. I took the pic on my iPod and I have no idea why it turned upside-down! Do I love making a fool of myself or something? :D

    Yup, running in the rain with no raincoat- not so cool :D
    I didn't get sick from that, but I did get sick 2 days ago from IDK what *shrugs* I haven't been sick for months, so this felt odd. I'm over it now, but it's stuff like that that make me think how grateful I should be. I'm doing just fine now thanks!
    btw, I hope you forgive me for being obsessive. I like to write what's on my mind in the moment cuz I forget things easily...too easily! (and then I always remember things at the wrong time!) What that has to do with me obsessing over you? IDK, I've just been feeling very, very scatterbrained recently. I hate that feeling cuz I like to feel organized. It's ok if you don't want to respond to my gambled mess of text. Can we start new...as in just two chill, cool friends?
    I have a story that might cheer you up...are you feeling better since that accident on the steps?

    Don't worry, if you really want to know what I did that day- first, I drove to Subway. I decided to eat my sandwich in my car so I could listen to music. I started bobbing my head and making silly face expressions. I parked in a strange spot and this older lady was giving me this odd look in a eye glasses building. :D It was sooo awkward because she was siting in there just staring in my direction, waiting for the eye doctor or something. I look down, and then back up again 10 sec later and she still giving me this blank look! I started laughing and continuing to eat and bob my head! Then, I got my hair cut, and thought, "perfect time to go for a run!" I walk out the building and it starts to rain!!! I got mad because I didn't want to spend my time indoors the whole time before I had to go to work. So, I say to myself, "F*** it! I'ma run in the rain!" The experience didn't turn out as thrilling as I had planned. The rain started getting heavier and that's when I had enough.

    Yes, that was all true....time goes by- that happened two weeks ago!
    Little by little.


    I have to thank you for that, helped me think less about it. -Thanks again
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