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  • well i dropped outta college, lol. but when i was there, i studied lots of psych.

    i was mostly interested in adolescent psych. its incredible the changes the human brain goes through @ that stage of development. there's so much happening, changes in personality, body, family, puberty, etc etc.

    good stuff.
    Soo, umm... what else kinds of bizarre things reminded you of me?

    This... is, um, interesting. :suspicious:
    "(...) O.O"
    That's what went through my mind, but then I was like, "Oh, umbrella!"

    Is that what it must have felt like for you when I sent a random pic of an umbrella? That's funny!
    It's much easier to speak through text, no worries about sounding stupid/or having jumbled speech. I agree with following your heart, but at times I just don't know what it wants... it wants too many things.
    thank you for that. i take comfort in knowing that we live eternally, and that he is only as far away as a thought or a memory. :)
    i bought the painting on the day of my son's memorial service. the pastor's daughter was an artist and her work was hanging throughout the downstairs area where we had coffee after the service. i was drawn to this one painting and asked if i could buy it. i found out after the fact that it was called 'new beginning'.
    this was quite interesting to me because a few weeks prior, when i was in vancouver, i went to an artist sidewalk show. i bought a few prints from this one artist whose work i felt particularly drawn to. the print that initially caught my eye was called...you guessed it. 'new beginning'.
    so yeah, to make a long story short, that's why it has such meaning to me. it's like a reminder, or a message of inspiration.
    we are timeless. there is never really an ending. only a new beginning.
    here's that painting i mentioned. it was done by an artist in ontario, and has a special meaning to me.
    I was about to post my comment, but the internet stopped on me! I had something funny to say, but now the moment has lost me...

    It's good that you take time for yourself. Everyone needs that. Okay, I'll try and remember verbatim what I typed!

    That sucks your area is sketchy. You need a bright and happy environment it seems. You seem like a bubbly person, but people tend to come off more bubbly on the internet in general. But that's what I love about the internet! I mean who would really smile like this--> :) when in a casual greeting? Everything is so exaggerated, you gotta love it!

    Oh and whatcha mean I was blah there for a min?
    i find them interesting too. i have a painting hanging in my entry way you would probably like. i'll take a pic of it tomorrow and show you
    Well, you can dye... your hair if you really want to O.O

    My humor is really dry....I love it!

    Hi, I've been well actually. What a nice welcome- I just started going on the forum again today!
    Lets see, I've been getting out of the house more. I just find more value in free time now because I don't get a lot of it anymore. I know you must be the same way, as you're really busy person. You say you like being that busy though? I hope you don't crash from feeling overworked. Is there anything you do to relax yourself? What I do is go for walks a lot.
    Hey there Flipper!

    I'll frequent the forum a little more now. Working 14 hours is tough! I experienced working 12 hrs a couple times only. I have to say it wasn't that bad for me. I got good sleep, and I ate well. If you don't have anything to eat for long periods of time, it can make 5 hrs feel tough. Try to prepare yourself better for days like that, as I don't want you dying on me now!
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