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  • Yes, like have you ever walked on a crowded sidewalk or in a busy mall? You're very much in public and exposed to everyone around you yet you're still anonymous since you and everyone else are in the same situation and don't pay you any attention. I've always thought that was rather strange...one can be surrounded by people yet still be alone.
    Thanks, it's a Margritte painting. I've always had a fascination with the concept of publicly being anonymous which is why I particularly like the painting. :smile:
    It's been good so far. I got cards for all my immediate family, handed out gifts during our family get-together, and got plenty of hugs all around. I have the next 3 days off also to celebrate the new year. I don't think I'm going to go out, but rather stay home though. I'm still mulling it over though.
    Oh...well I don't really do all that much. Work a little, read a little, post a little, but not all that much to write home about. Are you enjoying your holiday season?
    Life can certainly be ironic... lol, try being a personal trainer with social anxiety. Lately I've been a bit more lackadaisical with the whole fitness thing... but stress does that to ya. Therapist sound good, I've often thought of following a similar path... I just worry being a socially anxious introvert and all. I'm still really figuring career stuff out, not really sure what I want to do. Always seems like there's too many options/missed opportunities.
    Thanks. My other interests/hobbies - health/fitness (became a certified fitness trainer), reading, art/drawing, music, gaming, and even some anime (that's a secret one though). What do you do occupation wise and what hobbies/Interests do you have?
    Well, right now I'm doing the vol. firefighter thing, and that's really what has my interest for the time being.
    No unexpected gifts this year, but it was nice spending some quality time with the family . Volunteering just to help people, I might make a career out of it later on.
    Thank you. Merry Christmas. Or I guess Happy New Year now, since Christmas passed!
    :) hello. i can't remember the last time i've seen you around, but nice meeting you again! how are you doing this christmas?
    Can't complain; finally through the semester :D , and all I have to worry about is some part-time volunteer work that's relatively enjoyable. How about you?
    Hello again :) , havn't seen you around since your intro thread. I don't think you missed anything, no real way of replying to reps (that I know of).

    I don't think it was a bad thing at all - It's nice to see the actual people behind the words/text... I just wish I wasn't so fearful of such things :fear:
    Alright, well thanks for the mention...on Percy Jackson and the Olympians that is. ;)

    It's funny you mentioning me laughing. I really don't have much a laugh. It mostly sounds silent, but I'm still laughing. I just love to make people laugh and smile more than anything. I'm sometimes severely misunderstood IRL. People assume I don't want to be bothered, but I just want people to know I can lighten up if they give me the chance. I never thought this forum could help me with real life. People usually think internet=anti-social. It's how productive you're being with it though.

    I went into work earlier this day...or should I say yesterday (damn it's 2:48am, I gotta get off this thing!), but I felt more happy than ever. I was more smily and social, and it felt more natural to speak to people. It was a good feeling. Good nigh now. Nice chat BTW!
    Well, used to play video games a lot, but now I use all that time to run, dance, and just plain shout. Imagine you were super shy, and you started to come out your shell a little, wouldn't you go wild? At least I don't get drunk and scream profanities. :D

    I've been trying to develop more hobbies though. I went to the book store, which I never do. I liked the atmosphere and the calming effect. It makes me feel smart inside. :D I thought I'd give this book a read before deciding to buy it. It was a bio on Bob Marley. I think he is an interesting man, but I couldn't sit through 5 pages without my mind wondering off. I can never seem to get into a good book. Maybe I would enjoy fiction more. You know any good books I could start off with? (not too big please)
    No, it can't be! You like twilight?! We're through, take me off your friend's list...NAO! :D

    The White Stripes is my favorite. Their first album sounds more garage rock sounding... which makes me dance like a crazy mofo... O.O You would like The White Blood Cells album perhaps. It has some good hits like "Fell in love with a girl" or "We're going to be friends"

    Yeah, I occasionally like soft tunes though, and I want to learn more about country and folk. Iron & Wine seem to be both those things.
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