Recent content by GracieRuth

  1. GracieRuth

    Mass Shooting of Children - WTF?!?!

    Here's some outside the box thinking; it certainly isn't PC: The murderer isn't suffering from mental illness, but rather suffers from a malfunctioning conscience.
  2. GracieRuth

    Mass Shooting of Children - WTF?!?!

    Yes, exactly. Now, watch those who don't believe in good and evil squirm and try to come up with an explanation besides a broken conscience. That kid chose to mass murder little kids precisely because it IS evil.
  3. GracieRuth

    What are your CORE beliefs?

    I'll start. 1. I believe in a Creator, a Designer of the Universe. That doesn't say a lot. In fact, it asks more questions than it answers. Is this creator still involved with creation? Or is he/she/it more like the watchmaker of the Deists, who created and then just sits back and...
  4. GracieRuth

    What are your CORE beliefs?

    This is a SHARE thread. Ask questions of each other to clarify, but please do not use this thread to argue or belittle. Please word your beliefs in a way that expresses what you believe without bashing what someone else might believe. By CORE beliefs, I mean, when the chips are down, and...
  5. GracieRuth


    You don't sound pathetic. You sound like a normal kid who is just crazy in love. She is right. It won't work. I know that hurts. But it would hurt MORE if you got involved and then had a messy breakup. She has class that she is letting you down easy.
  6. GracieRuth

    INFJs: Dems of GOP?

    I think it is true that the Left is far more concerned with feelings, and tends to act in compassion in the short term without checking for long term results. The right tends to be more pragmatic, less concerned with their appearences and more concerned with creating the kind of economy that...
  7. GracieRuth

    Obama v Romney 1st debate - who won ?

    I got tired of Obama making mistakes about what Romney really stands for and having to be continually corrected. I got tired of Romney's five points, when in fact only the last point has anything to do with jobs. I got tired of both of them repeating the same things over and over. I turned it...
  8. GracieRuth

    philosophy of life

    If this is true, I'd be pretty disappointed. It's one thing to say we are made in the image of G-d or that everything contains a divine spark, like the painter's signature. It's quite another to say that there is no Creator, that we are as good a it gets. And I'm sorry, but a filthy child...
  9. GracieRuth

    The case for Zionism

    Adding to what Brodskizzle said... First, there have always been SOME Jews living there. Secondly, our prayers and liturgy have always included the assumed return to Israel. We can't eat a meal without praying for Jerusalem in the Grace After Meals. And it doesn't stop there. We also pray...
  10. GracieRuth

    Confused by a girl

    She is being amazingly inappropriate. Is she really mature enough for a serious relationship? She doesn't come across that way.
  11. GracieRuth

    gifted kids

    My parents did alright by me -- we had lots of trips to museums, national parks, nature preserves, etc. Friday afternoon was always visit the Library afternoon. But the best thing was Sunday afternoons with my Dad, who I had a wonderful relationship with, which included sharing books, studying...
  12. GracieRuth

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Kmal: Billy is just messing with you.
  13. GracieRuth

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Well I think it goes without saying that there are different "denominations" of atheists. There are atheists who have positive attitudes about religion, atheists who are neutral about religion, and atheists who just boil with anger anytime anything remotely religious gets mentioned. I agree...
  14. GracieRuth

    Need help with lyrics for Youth Virtue Development Day.

    Okay, I volunteered to do this, and now I'm sort of spinning down in one of my bipolar depressions, and my creativity sucks at this particular moment. I need help. You might remember that I help out at a Toaist temple which does a non-religious Youth Virtue Development Day every other month...
  15. GracieRuth

    Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?

    Oh, no nono, not at all. Most of the atheists I know do appreciate beauty, both natural and manmade. You are correct in that I was referring to the phenomenon that occurs in religion quite commonly where the assemblying of similarly religious people results in the co-creation of incredible...