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  • Homogenic's pretty good too : -)

    Hey I've been listening to wayltrn lately -you have a lot of music I never heard before. I love the Leila and Dead can dance you posted. For a long time I listened to some music I didn't know how to describe, I think 'shoegaze' might be it ^^ Merry holidays
    Phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, leucine, and lysine are the essentials, i guess i should fix it xD, my prof gave us wrong info D: I just listed the aromatics and confused them with the essentials.
    I got to listen to "so far away" from your link! :) One, it was beautiful. Two, I could hear many of the qualities you described seeking in music in that song. I can appreciate why you like that artist and that song so much.

    I'm familiar with Portishead, but I don't own anything. They are among my boyfriend's favorite artists though. I'm not sure why, but while I like them, I've never been as captured by them as many others seem to be. I'll check out Husky and see what I think.

    I looked up Michael England, but the art I found had a different feel. I didn't like it as much as Leila's album cover. Maybe it's a different guy, I'm not sure. I'll keep looking. Yes, the album art was a style I really like too. It had that graphic novel art clear line intense color kind of quality. It had a cartoon quality but with a darker feel both visually and in content. It seemed to be communicating something other than what a first glance would reveal and I like that.
    Glad you got it! So I'm not the only one who saves opening everything until the actual day. :D Hope you have a great Christmas.
    hey, look again for my whole post. I don't know what the hell happened! I was still typing the same article and the first part posted. You were the only one that posted to it!
    I'm really enjoying the Fever Ray. It has a sound that's obviously related to the Knife's sound, but it's also it's own thing.

    Thanks for the Perfume Tree link! I couldn't find "so far away" unfortunately. The link you provided had the lyrics, but I couldn't find a way to listen. I found "virgin" from the same album on you tube and listened. I can appreciate why you like them. I loved the eastern sound in that song. It had a soothing quality for me.

    So, I've heard of Trip-Hop, but honestly I like what I like in music and am woefully inarticulate and uneducated about all it's categories and nuances. So, I asked my boyfriend, "Do I own or like any Trip-Hop?" lol I do own and like Massive Attack, and I'm informed that this would fall into the trip-hop category. I'm guessing that it would be among the most accessible and commercial of Trip-Hop probably?

    While I was being educated by my boyfriend about various electronic music genre's he led me to this site: Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music. Ever been there? I'm finding it fascinating! I discovered an enjoyment of French Pop, especially the clips of Jean-Jacques Perrey's EVA. I think my true musical loves definitely lean toward the quirky pop. :)

    Thank you so much for setting me off on an evening of exploration with your top 10. It's been so fun chatting with you.

    Oh, do you know who did the art for the Leila album? I really liked that, but in a quick search couldn't find anything.

    Well, more electronic trails to explore...
    Ahh, new searches to go on! I'm currently listening to the Fever Ray album on lala (based on your mention), but when that is complete I'll try to find Mollie and give it a listen. I'll also seek out Perfume Tree. My boyfriend counts electronic music among his favorites and so I've had much more exposure since knowing him. I think he may branch slightly differently than you because he wasn't familiar with many on your list either.

    He introduced me to Ulrich Schnauss a while back through the album Goodbye and on listening I had an experience of...I don't know, I guess peaceful bliss, where the world seemed to disappear. It was good. :) How would that sort of electronic fit into your landscape?
    I own Silent Shout and really like it. Marble House is one of my favorites off that album. Otherwise I was mostly unfamiliar, but intrigued to learn more. Do I still get points? ;)

    Your recommendation of Leila sent me off searching. I listened to the song you recommended first and then branched out to Mettle and Deflect. I think of those three I enjoyed Mettle most.

    So are all of your choices in the electronic music category?
    Do you listen to M83 at all? They sound vaguely similar to that song you posted - a bit less intensely electronic.
    I'm glad to hear that
    ah, yeah, about that. We decided to play along for a determined amount of time to act to be another type. I see that they're taking it a bit too seriously :D You want to join?
    nope, I'm still wiccan, and still holding tight to my "harm none" I have those spell simply for literacy sake, and so I can spot such a spell in action, and have an idea of how to counter it.
    elL0z! how are you? = > i was wondering if you knew where a good place to post stories would be? i know there are sections for poetry and blogs, but is the writing and language place just for discussion or whah? : /
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