The reason I asked, by the way, is that even when I thought I was an INTP, I deeply wished that I could: have a perfect holistic and intuitive understanding of things (though not necessarily including much knowledge), be able to socialise and relate to people and do so very effectively, be able to clearly explain and put into logical structure what it is I thought intuitively, and have at least some level of proficiency in reacting in a bodily way - essentially, that I were a well developed Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. The other functions would be cool to have, but I never felt deeply about them. (when deliberating over my type, I assumed that I only just wished I were INFJ, but what I really wished is that I could reach my potential as an INFJ)
So, I thought maybe it could be a similar case with yourself - that those areas you most wished you could be proficient in are in fact the areas that do relate to how you naturally are, and that you only wished that you were better at them. So, if there was a particular type that you really feel comfortable with the notion of being, then maybe it is in fact your type. I don't know much about Enneagram however - have you been able to identify strongly with other 1w2 INFJs?
+Also, if I'm wrong about types tending to most want to develop the functions they already have, then certainly it would be most healthy, and a necessary part of knowing oneself, for people to want to most develop those functions, rather than wishing they were a way that they aren't.