j e s s i e
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  • I saw your art in the appropriately named thread - it's awesome! :] You draw very nicely. Do you mostly do graphic art?
    What do you listen to music-wise? Do you play any instruments and/or sing?
    Haha, YAY 8D
    Yup, exactly. xD
    Hmm. Well, riding, but I haven't been doing that so much as of late. Drawing, writing, reading, sitting at the computer doing 34958340958 things at once, listening to and playing music.
    Yeah, I can understand that. Actually getting better in itself is a scary thought, let alone the steps it takes to do so. -hugs-
    Yeah, we do seem to have quite a bit in common.
    Life is... sdahgodfhg. Rocky and up and down. But, it's life, 'eh? <3
    Thanks for the rep comment.
    And i'm sorry to see that you're dealing with your own. How are you doing? <3
    Thanks for the mention on "Got a question about mood disorder?" I am probably too quick to see the possibility of bipolar because back in the day--many years ago--it was so rarely diagnosed that I went through sixten years and as many 72-hour holds before I was diagnosed at age 30.
    Yeah, I saw it on Wednesday. It was fantastic!
    I can't get over the songs or the performance. Or the bartender... :P
    when i first read your thread i was like: interesting, member blog from jessie! then i went back to the forums.infjs.com list place and saw it was emotional support and i was like, aw what? no member blog, what!
    i've recently been scoring as a type 3 on enneagram tests. long ago i used to score as type 4. the higher-functioning type 3's function like type 6's, i think ;)
    So, what happened to the eyes in that picture? They don't look quite right. Is the person wearing eye shadow, crying, or do they have a black eye? I've been trying to figure it out for a while now.
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