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  • Bah, I think you'd fit well. And America's next top models teaches you to model and it teaches you about fashion, you just need the natural beauty to start off with. And you have it. So...yeah lol. But, of course, if you want it to remain fun, it should probably stay a hobby lol.
    Hehe. You're obviously attractive enough to model so I had to point it out. Hopefully I'll see you on the next cycle of America's next top model ^^.
    Ehehe I'm online all the time too, especially til mid-July since I'm on holidays :D

    I don't sleep enough :/
    I use pidgin so it's AIM and MSN and Facebook chat all mixed :smile:

    And of course. My msn is elogideon@gmail.com
    You should :). I wish I had your talent, all I'm good at is drawing stick figures. xD
    Thank you =)

    Correct me if I'm wrong but you know how to draw anime, right? I remember seeing one of your(or someone else's) art pieces...but I can't remember in which thread.
    Nope I'm feeling pretty sure about INFP now :) But I thought I was INFJ at first too.

    I am waaay emotion controlled too hehe.
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