hey! no, you've actually never mentioned it to me. Technically I was referencing it...I first heard of Neverwhere in a song from a band i used to really love and it became one of my internet personas. I then found out it was a book by Gaiman and have been dying to read it. I've never actually found it anywhere (granted I havent looked too hard ie. online) but it's on my to read list for this year.
Also regarding your rep -- Let the Right One in is amazing! Have you read the book? I'm reading it at the moment, and although I'm just over 100 pages in I would definitely recommend it. It's so much better than the movie. There's so much in the book that was totally left out of the movie. For example (and this is well known, so i dont feel like im ruining anything) the man who takes care of Eli is actually a paedophile, aapparently there are some tough to read scenes in the book....that definitely wasn't in the movie. I kind of like how he has a bigger role in the book though...it makes more sense.
How are you feeling? You look like you must be getting closer to your due date!