Actually, I have noticed this a LOT.
That is, the girls with beautiful bodies, wanting to hide beneath their clothes while the heavier ones want to flaunt their butt/cleavage/breasts.
I say, it's because they feel that since they don't have the body of a sex goddess, they should make the best of their assets, which they feel are their breasts. That's my take on it.
As for moi, I have a lot of curves, but if I try to cover them all, I look chunky, so I cover the necessary and hug the rest.
You have a beautiful body, don't be ashamed love
That was so nice of you to say and it really meant a lot to me.
Actually, I have noticed this a LOT.
That is, the girls with beautiful bodies, wanting to hide beneath their clothes while the heavier ones want to flaunt their butt/cleavage/breasts.
I say, it's because they feel that since they don't have the body of a sex goddess, they should make the best of their assets, which they feel are their breasts. That's my take on it.
As for moi, I have a lot of curves, but if I try to cover them all, I look chunky, so I cover the necessary and hug the rest.
You have a beautiful body, don't be ashamed love

That was so nice of you to say and it really meant a lot to me.