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    Actually, I have noticed this a LOT.
    That is, the girls with beautiful bodies, wanting to hide beneath their clothes while the heavier ones want to flaunt their butt/cleavage/breasts.

    I say, it's because they feel that since they don't have the body of a sex goddess, they should make the best of their assets, which they feel are their breasts. That's my take on it.

    As for moi, I have a lot of curves, but if I try to cover them all, I look chunky, so I cover the necessary and hug the rest.

    You have a beautiful body, don't be ashamed love :)

    That was so nice of you to say and it really meant a lot to me.
    I think..I would fall...instantly..lol..either that or I would get so red that I won't be able to even talk!
    I see no purpose behind limiting yourself to a group of sisters like that if one has the possibility of going further on.
    Decent voices? Means, I wouldn't suggest they go pro, but they are on average better then most. As for a song... try something that even strikes of being written by someone over the age of 5.
    Some of them have decent voices. Most are pretty cute. I wish they'd try a decent song.
    I used to read/write fan fiction all the time when I was younger. I haven't read any in a long time. A lot of my FF writing friends were very into the Harry Potter fiction but that was before I ever read the books or saw the movies so I didn't get into it. I hear there are some really excellent pieces.

    Have you ever read the Shoebox Project? It's the only HP fan fiction I've ever read and it's AMAZING. It's more about James, Remus and Sirius while they were at Hogwarts.
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