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  • Yes I think shoulder is very flattering on anyone. It frames the face nicely! I couldn't imagine having to take all of that out of my hair haha. Too much work for me. I'd probably get fed up and want to shave it all off haha.
    I've never had much of a problem in a class without studying/hw. A lot of why my grades weren't as good as they could be in high school was because I didn't do homework. College costs money though so I don't think it'll be too hard to do. I always have too much free time anyway so shouldn't be bad. :) So what classes are you taking?
    So like oh my god yea I went shopping with all the Canada yesterday like yeah so awesome yeah
    We should make a huge party with thousands of people, talk to every stranger we see on the street and ask them about their personal lives.
    Hey sorry for the delay in my reply to your Alan Rickman youtube video that you posted on my visitor wall. It is amazing! Ahhh, those pics and that voice... :)

    Thank you for giving me that.
    OMG YESSS!!!! I loved Christmas music so much I played it in July too. Being in the band in school let me be in all of the Holiday type musical presentations for the public and the school. I was blessed to be a part of it all. We'd often put on presentations that involved the symphonic band, the choirs, and Mr. Lewellyn would play his grand harpsichord. You can imagine what kind of music we'd perform. Go sing Rudolph. It'll make you feel silly and that'll take the edge off your nerves for school exams. HUG
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