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  • Can you provide me access to this? I would like to do a little research into. I even have someone in mind that I will be able to test it out on. I will tell you any of the results of what i find out. Look forward to hearing what you have to say.
    Yay well done!

    I've had good news too. Moving areas again at work. It'll only take me ten minutes to get to work now so i get a lie in
    That would be most interesting to observe. Do you have someone do it to you?
    You are therefore able to achieve orgasm with no sexual contact of any kind?
    Awesome! Tell me how you like it. ;) I have missed ya...haven't seen you on the boards lately.
    You have played RS too?
    Stats and bank? ;P
    Yep. Geometic, algorithmic, computational, etc. I live austerity and symmetry.
    Lmao, i'm super glad, its making me laugh too =D and i think we all could use a bit more laughter in our lives, lol
    Yup, for me, I learn best from discussion. Plus, when you're reading a book you're kinda still trying to figure it out on your own, but when you have someone teach it to you, you get to ask you questions and get straight answers without having to guess.

    Hope it works out for you. ;)
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