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  • I got trained in my new position at MAP. The envy of my coworkers ! It's exciting. Though kind of boring and tough, one bed and breakfast call I got had 4 floors, and none of the rooms were labeled as to which floor they were on. So someone said "what floor is the rose room on?" I said "excelent question... So are you looking forward to visiting Maine?" :P totally didn't answer the question.

    how 'bout YOU baby boo.
    I suppose that makes sense... I don't think with feelings at all, ever..... If they are taken... thats why your imagining it in your head...? right?
    I have never faked having an orgasm, but I have... well... not given any indication of an orgasm before. Since i can stay hard after orgasm, it means I can keep going. I thought I was being clever. Just wanted to see if I could do it. I have figured out any purpose this might serve, outside of a public setting where you are having a discussion with someone.

    It's not so much just seeing a hot girl, as it is, seeing her and then imagining having sex with her. Therefore, in an instant, every sexual fantasy has gone through your head and your worked up. If you saw a really hot guy, and started dreaming of what it would be like for him to suck on your nipples, and for him to rub your clit, think you'd get wet then?

    I have considered thinking yourself to orgasm. I believe this to be more easily achieved by feelers. Although, orgasm is entirely in your head, so I suppose a thinker could find a way to do it. Interesting idea there.
    Actually, the two most common reason for faking orgasm in females is first, the desire to end it(shes tired, not getting there, w/e), second is a desire to stimulate their partner into orgasm(well meaning as this may be).

    Im going to pretend you didn't just ask that. Instead, I'm going to pretend you asked, "Do guys fake it as much as girls do, and if so, why?". To which, I would answer as fallows: No, most guys do not fake it. This is due to two reason, the first of which is that most guys(especially younger ones) have a VERY short trigger on average. The second reason is that most guys are such selfish ass holes that they don't give a shit if the girl cums or not, as long as they do.
    Every girl I have been with more then twice has done it at some point. I knew by the end of the day at the latest, if not immediately. Why do you think I don't have a girlfriend right now? No matter how dignified your reasons may be to do such a thing, lying, never does any good in the long run.
    Would you care for a link to an actual gag from a S&M site? o.O

    That sounds like the good majority of them. You would be surprised at how many girls vocalization sounds faked, when it is actually real. Even worse is, in excess of 80% of women fake orgasms during sex. Disturbing. Lies, during the most intimate portions of your relationship. I can't imagine how things will end up.
    Ahhh, that is logical. Though, if they can hear that, they must be stupid. I can think of better gags, but I suppose that works.

    You are assuming there is only one video on how to give a girl multiple orgasms. I can assure you, that is far from the truth.
    Also, the initial idea for the vibrating nipple clamps was to stimulate the nipples while i was focused elsewhere. The entire process was about finding a way to cause more overall pleasure. I do believe it should allow you to reach orgasm very quickly, if you allow it, or allow you to elongate the orgasm. I have to say, it is very enjoyable to keep girls going like that. Though, without a vibrator... anything past a few minutes is not happening.

    On a different note... you sound like a cell phone when you cum??
    interesting...and how does my demeanour remind you of a cat? this is interesting.

    and thanks :)
    A little eager for experimentation. I think I know what that means XD

    Try the same technique with your clit? I'd be interested to see how that works. Also, try leaving one inside you, while using the other one(or two..) on your clit. More stimulation is good, yeah? hehehe

    Stressful day, glad its over.
    No way, do you really eat fried oreo's? (what do they taste like xD cause it actually looked really good).
    ^^ Yea it's a pretty good song :P, but quite recently i've turned rather emo (on the inside). Might have to change my quote to something dark.
    Ouch. That sucks. I kind of would like that teacher compared to some of the individuals I have, my anthropology teacher lectures only to herself. It's not that we don't care, it's just that she kind of ....just gets insanely off topic; I can't even tell you how many times we've started on some culture and ended up back to sex in american culture. It's just rather...random. Lol. The only book I've ever used is my World Literature book for obvious reasons. I cracked open my Government book just to see if there was actually ink on the page, turns out the book is legit
    Im eastern standard time as well. Very late indeed.

    Sensitive nipples are amazing. I love when I'm able to basically incapacitate a girl simply by twisting her nipples. Oh, how fun that is for me.. and well, for her too, obviously.

    Clitoral stimulation, naturally. :P one little chewy bud after another. Ive also plain out put a piece of ice inside a girls vagina. Then used a vibrator to push it slightly further in... well, more to keep it from coming out. As well as to provide stimulation to her clit while the ice was inside her. Ahh, fun times.

    I'ma be going to bed about now. I'll get back to you in the morning.
    Do NOT get my ego going... That is bad for everyone.

    I might make a suggestion, since you have more then one vibrator, perhaps you should try trapping your nipple between two vibrators. I think you would be surprised what that would do for you, but please, go gentle on them at first. I don't want to be blamed if you hurt yourself because you decided to put it on full blast.

    speaking of cool sensations, chewing on ice while sucking on nipples is apparently VERY stimulating. just saying. ice play is fun :D
    Oh, I am sooo good. :D

    The ugly truth was very funny. I think that would be incredible fun to do that to a stranger. If they are that sensitive, all the better for vibrators on them. :D Ive found that not only do I have an obsession with nipples, but I am apparently quite apt at stimulating them with my mouth. The best part was when I had a couple over and while they having sex, she stops for a second and says to her boyfriend, get him to teach you how to do that!
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