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  • I counted six that you told me. I'd put money on more toys outside what you said there, which does indicate a few things about you. Are any of them remote controlled(wireless). I have found that they are... very exciting, when used in public settings.

    Library's are especially fun because you have to be perfectly quiet in there. This is very hard for screamers. Hehehehe, fun torture ;)

    I'm glad you enjoy your toys so much. Have you ever thought of a sybian? Also, I have always wanted to create... well... im not sure what you call it. Many different types, but essentially its a dildo at the end of machine that causes it to go forward and backward in a fucking motion. By strapping the girl in, she cant move away from it. Also, by using a vibrator instead of a dildo... well.. obvious consequences. Super props if you have used vibrating nipple clamps.
    Toys, care to expand on that?

    You almost sound INTJ-ish there for a second. I'm pleasantly surprised.

    Age, surely. I don't do guys, I'm not into what makes a guy tick, because I never wish to touch one that way. I don't see how experience has any affect on biological processes, and how the hell does race play into this?
    As far as I can tell, there are an extremely limited amount of factors that separate races outside of skin color. None of these have anything to do anything of a sex related nature. So no, I don't give a shit about race.

    Please, do not make me go on my racism rant. I have a great deal of emotions waiting for anyone that wishes to get on that track. Yes, an INTJ with emotions. All pent up and waiting to burst. Don't burst my bubble.
    I'm fairly certain you can imagine everything i've done, though, whether you have ever thought of them or not, is a totally different subject.

    Hmm, if it wasn't just for casual sex but actually a girlfriend, it wouldn't be that big of a problem. I simply have no desire to teach the entire Bible in one night.

    I see no point in waiting till marriage. Don't bother telling me why, I have heard it all. Yes, they are all very self righteous, and no, I don't care. If you wish to hole yourself up for the love of your life, that is your choice.

    I agree with you that the psychology of sex would most likely be a waste of money. However, if they had a "biology of sex", I would recommend that. We love to talk about emotions, and feelings... people ignore what the talk about all the time.. chemistry? In biology, you learn many things. Things such as pleasure receptors. Specific cells designed for pleasure. If you learn where they are, how to activate them to the greatest amount, and send all the other signs to the brain... wa la, you have just discovered how to cause one of the biggest orgasms they will probably ever experience in their entire life.

    Nothing can replace actual experience. I have many tests that I need to run. A few subjects to study would be incredibly helpful. Every person is different. I have to understand the process of quickly divulging the preferences of each individual, and which pieces can be relied upon unanimously to be constant.
    Well, to be honest, that survey did not exactly allow me to express the full extent of my "kinkiness". I'm positive this is for the better, for the general community. My goal is to cause pleasure.. occasionally, there are people that interpret pain as pleasure. In those cases, it would be necessary to inflict pain for the ultimate goal.

    Yes, I surprise myself all the time too. Ive only had the opportunity to do it with experienced girls. Unfortunately, my definition of experienced, and yours(and every one else's for that matter) differs slightly. Just because someone has had sex, does not make them knowledgeable about sex. I'm afraid that most people go their entire lives and never become actually experienced. So just because I've never popped a cherry, doesn't mean I only have sex with experienced girls. I do, however, have no extensive desire to have a virgin. I would have to teach her everything. Heaven forbid, someone gives me 72 virgins, I'd think I was in hell!
    An INTJ interests you? Now THAT is interesting. We can discuss that later. Please, by all means, specifics on what you found interesting? Why this one in particular? I wasn't going to do it, and I in particular hate surveys. However, this does include a topic i feel compelled to improve upon in our society, so I indulged.
    I was born in virginia (only lived there for two weeks of my life though), so I do have a bit of that in me I guess. And hey, what can I say, I love fried fatty food. I also watch Paula Dean too much on foodnetwork :D
    Because through my logic, I see a very finite end. I see no possibly deliverance for my problem at hand, or any underlying reason behind why it should not be solved. Through my logic, there is no hope. When there is no hope, you give up. Therefore, I have given up on this aspect of life. It serves no purpose and no longer has any value. It has now been rendered utterly meaningless.
    Would you care to gander at any other difference between a true friend and a soul mate outside of sex? o.O hmm? maybe i should make a thread and ask the forum. If I go to the INTJ forum and do that... oh boy, oh boy.. what a commotion that will create.
    Ha, if that is what friendship is, then I have a fairly substantial amount of friends. Sadly, I'm not particularly sure that defines friendship. For that matter, what does define friendship? Hmmm, thats a good questions. I will have to ponder this. At that matter, what they define as a true friend, seems to me to be a true love. So therefore, the difference between a true friend and your soul mate... is whether or not your having sex with them! damn... I hate logic... almost as much as i hate this stupid world
    Many times. In fact, that is the whole reason why every relationship I am in fails. I bring this topic up to many times, and they get tired of hearing it. Simply fix, yes? If I want a relationship, I lay down and die.
    The real pain, is that no matter how hard I try or what I do, things can never work out; because they can never appreciate who I am and what I need. I am not an ESFX. I am not like the world. I don't need what the world needs. I don't give, what the rest of the world gives.
    uhmm.. im pretty sure thats basically every human being in existence with whatever they want.
    Because they demand i become an ENFP with them, or else I can't love them. They are unwilling to bend half way with me, when I'm trying so hard to bend all the way for them.
    I'm doing alright. I'm slightly troubled by two ENFP's, but I have always had trouble with ENFP's.
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