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  • Hey, dear Laurel, will you please read this, and comment back to me, OK? :) :)

    "BUILD YOUR FAITH TO BE ENORMOUS!!! - We all need to build our faith to be E.. !!!"
    awwwwwwwww! that's cute!

    though peter and I tried laying or sitting on the snow, and I have to say, it doesn't work...
    Lol that makes no sense!

    we get snow sometimes here, but it's never the sort that settles, if you're lucky you'll have some in your hair for a bit and then it melts.

    it never gets lower than about -2 here. sorry, I'm a celcius girl.
    I love snow, it's such a romantic thing, but I could probably find something romantic about anything....
    Yeah, it's spring at the moment. Really lovely with green grass, bright coloured flowers and everything. I'll be in europe for most of our summer though, so I get to miss out on most of the heat. it can get seriously bad here sometimes, days and days of not wanting to do anything but lay in front of the airconditioner.
    Do you guys get snow there?
    Lol, our weather is a bit like that right now too. Rain and cold nights and then hot days.

    but it seems to do the raining on the weekend, annoyingly. I like the cold, mainly because you can protect yourself from it. Australia has stinking hot summers that you can't escape from!
    Why thank you! I'm doing really well. happy that we've got friday, but wishing the rain would go away.

    and how are you doing???
    Considering the only thing he has on me is a piece of paper saying he has a bachelors degree... yet I'm crushing the one class I'm in with him... and I'm published and he is not... Such a bitch being treated differently even though for all the info points to me being treated better than him...
    We only use aqua regia when working with metals... I'm just being treated as a second class member of the group... Not cool
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