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  • Eww that class was gross! I liked chemistry my sophomore year and geometry my freshman year. math=disgusting (The other reason for the switch)
    yeah. i never liked chem. i never really liked any math or science except for algebra 2 back in sophmore year
    I know, I was kidding :P
    Do you really plan becoming a singer or is it just an interest? :O
    Why do you put a "*" at the beginning of your post.
    This is not correct grammar.

    Wrong enneagrams, wrong grammar, is there something good in you?

    Absolutely! Just remember introversion doesn't mean shy and reclusive when dealing with MBTI.
    Of course, there are some Introverts who are that way, but it's not socially defined. It's more about where you get your energy.
    That's not really true. There are always shades of grey between black and white. Sure, you have the drastic examples like heavy partiers and hermits. But then you also have to people (like me) who love both a good party and a nice quiet night alone. That's when you have to look at I vs. E in a way that isn't social. Do you need to be around people to recharge your "batteries"? or do you require private time for that? Basically do you get your energy from being involved in events and activities or do you get it from your inner world (the thoughts, pictures, and ideas in your head)?
    I tend to be very introverted when I am depressed. But, when I am healthy and happy I hate being couped up at home for too long. I need people.

    I know the feeling of confusion, though. I am very borderline, myself. I don't know that I'll ever settle on my type. Too many options...lol.
    I'm alright. How're you?

    Well, I've been doubting my type as an INTP for a while now. After doing a little reading and posting a thread I decided to try on ENTP for a while. I'm still pretty unsure, though.
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