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  • What did they do?!
    How horrible. I wish I could have kneed him for you.
    Thank you for the hair comment! My hair is actually my natural color now though, which is a light brown. But posting that picture kind of makes me miss the dark hair.
    Ah, Serenity... :) Thank you. He is so adorable... and just the kindest, most thoughtful, funny, caring, smart, gentle individual. Sigh... and sexy. Did I mention sexy?? ;) INTJ who??
    she's pretty huh. . I traded a bunch of stuff to get her. . but it was worth it. . plyed her this morning in church. . love it. . .I've had a Taylor acoustic for many years. . .just seemed right to have a Taylor electric too. . .
    Love the fact that they used basically a string quartet to cover the song! Dragonforce tends to rely too heavily on being just really damn fast and IMO they sacrifice a lot of melody for it. Some of the most beautiful Metal/Progressive Rock I've heard are much slower paced songs.
    That's really beautiful! I'm so glad you have that relationship with God and it seems as though it radiates through you :)
    Religious in the sense I do believe in God, the angels and saints. I have had some experiences that prove their existence to me and I feel grateful for it. I've seen the gates of heaven and for me, I know it's real :) What about you?
    Thanks for the rep! I hated writing that post, but couldn't not say something. If that makes sense...
    I didn't, did you get a call from a 904 area code? And also, if they tell you to evacuate, you should do it.
    Aww sounds like you're in sensory overload. I hope you feel better. This will pass too. Maybe you just need to shut yourself away in your bedroom and listen to something soothing. I took the day off work so I'll be around all day if you start feeling better <3
    Well Ima blind person as well. Without my glasses I can only see about 4 inches clearly.

    I stopped my vlog because I didn't think anyone was watching. Maybe I'll start again if it's in demand.
    It's just that I don't see red tones as vibrantly as you do. So when I see a purple, I might see just a dark blue because i don't detect the red tones in the purple.

    Imagine the world you see, just less vibrantly colorful with the reds.
    Ummm... im not sure. There was a lot of really painful posing at 1st and I was sweating like crazy then some stretching and finally some meditation type stuff. It wasnt the type thats in the super hot room though.
    I was joking, I'm only R/G colorblind. No biggie, just get made fun of for it sometimes :-)
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