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  • Thanks hun, im glad she's taking time out for her family & her inner self. Still, wouldn't mind if she checked back in sometime~ *grumble grumble* lol
    That's the only thing my Mom told me also: I had to wait until I was married and she gave me 2 books to read. Each book was about having sex - one from the boy's perspective and one for a girl. Not much really in the way of information other than basic biology. I too waited until I felt comfortable and safe, trusted. I wasn't quite "in love". For some reason I thought that might be better for me. Offering other choices besides intimacy is an excellent idea. Too bad we cannot start a school for being one. Oh. And I bet we were tied to one another in another lifetime. I could easily see you as someone in my family! :)
    Re: Companion. You did pop into my mind when I was reflecting. I suspect you and I very similar in many ways. imo - there is a real need for them in our society. It's soooooo harmful when it comes to views on sex and relationships. I think that's one of the reasons harmful porn is so prevalent. We do not get our needs and education on sex met when we're young. Too many taboos. Too much rejection. oh well. I best get off this soapbox. lol. thank you for your comment.
    Oops, my bad! Technology and I don't like each other much.

    We're quickly reviewing the unit circle in Calculus (quiz Friday! woo, something to work for) and moving on next week I assume. The teacher has a 90% pass rate for Calculus, which is staggering to me.

    I'm trying to limit the number of distractions in my house so I actually do my work and - gasp! - study. Winging stuff, while fun, is not terribly efficient when you have specific information to remember.

    Broad question for you: What is studying Biology like? I haven't had a course in a few years and the teacher was crazy (and I was lazy).
    look, i really don't want to know what you crazy non-infjs get up to in your spare time, i think it's disturbing and wrong.
    well, i was going to complain about the deception of your obviously false display of so sacred and special a label that is so totally inappropriate to you, but i thought that might be rude. xox
    Thank you, you too :) First day of school is unfailingly boring because of "intro and regulations" crap; I'm ready to get working.
    Have you started again? If so, how did your day go?

    I've been told I sound anywhere from mid-twenties to fourty-ish (crazy people...)
    Agreed on the last point, older is usually better (I had a 60 year-old INFP English teacher I still talk to frequently)

    I asked about medical school today in my Anatomy class and was told it's extremely hard and competitive - if I were to major in Biology, and I have considered it, what level of achievement is expected to get in? Sorry for all the questions, this is an interest of mine.
    "Medical school"? Is that where one trains to be a doctor (hospitals and such)? Specialization? My knowledge of some (Hah, *many*) things is nonexistent, sadly.

    Heh, surprise! ^.^ I do tend to come off a little older than I am, not sure why.
    I rarely relate to my age group, though I attribute that to my wry humor and rare smiles more than anything.
    What does a science degree let you do? I am really interested in one but don't know anything about it except "publish, get paid, repeat". I would love to just study life in all forms, astro to molecular and everything in between. Life is beautiful.

    Very lonely at times but forums and the like help with that, friends notwithstanding.
    College will be nice, my fears aside. Home at last...ironically.
    Not a perfect 100, but 95+ consistently (until we got to algebraic and trig identities [turn sin x X sec y \ cot z into BLAH], which I bombed). As luck would have it, I've considered Biology as well because I love understanding how life itself works (botany and molecular bio in particular) but I don't know if I have the mind to experiment and publish.

    Dad was in the military before he died so we had to move frequently, now we move mostly for job offers. 34 times and counting, woo! Not really.
    I've taken a government honors course in another school system (I relocate frequently), but the school I attend now wouldn't let me take AP Gov without taking another course beforehand. My hole-riddled math education is the primary reason calculus is scary, with "brightness" a close tie. Scored dismal marks in algebra I/II and geometry, but aced pre-calculus and analytic geometry...I don't know how well that bodes but 'tis what it is. What are you majoring in, if I may? I've heard Calc II is horrendous but required for certain paths.

    I don't really know what extracurriculars exist; cross-country running, book club, NHS, NEHS are all I really know of. Once school starts - I moved here mid-March - I will inquire about them.
    I envy your list of interesting classes :) I'd have taken AP Biology and Chemistry too, if my grade in physics hadn't fallen below the requirement (bad teacher + family deaths at the end of 2nd semester). Time for those in college, I hope. To be honest though, Calculus scares me because I've never been one of the "bright" kids at math. Yay for Khanacademy.org! Government would've been taken too but my guidance counselor told me to "relax with the back-breaking workload". That too will hopefully be taken sometime during university; debate is an excellent way to learn about yourself, like you said.
    Because I couldn't put all of this in one message, here's the rest:

    I can relate to opening up to new things; "self" is built and rebuilt throughout our journey, broadening the river of experiences is vital for this (it took a long time for me to realize it is I who must be content in the closing chapter of my life, I who must take responsibility for making life as wonderful as possible and, painful as it is at first, taking the good with the bad to get a full appreciation for what lies around me). Self-love, too. Honoring our faults, for they give us the chance to grow. I don't know what music you enjoy, but here's something I found personally refreshing. (Here are the lyrics)

    Would that I could be a poet :) Yet, we all are in our own ways...
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