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  • Senior, aye. Classes: AP Calculus, intro to Business principles, AP English Literature (just read Jane Eyre, Heart of Darkness, and Invisible Man for summer assignments), Anatomy, college algebra, and a psych 101 course. Boring except for the first, third, and fourth. University is a double-edged sword for me - I can't decide what to do (English, psychology, or philosophy would be wonderful) but I relish the chance to learn and hopefully understand more of the curious universe we dwell in.
    Life has been flowing along nicely for me, better than it has in a very long time. Every moment is more significant, colorful, and cherished

    I spend most of my time "locked away" in my room, as my mother calls it, reading/writing (still trying to become more technical/gathered), meditating, or mentally sparring with myself. I'm excited that school is going to start soon (two days!), one step closer to college.

    And you - how have you been? What has filled your time?
    I did not mean to offend, if I did. We agree: the furnishings of one's inner being garbs the outer shell, physical aspects shape themselves accordingly (or are not worth bothering over).
    There is a lot of beauty on this forum, in deed and wit. You shine as well -- there is a happy grace in your smile and depth of compassion in your eyes, it is easy to see purity in you. I bow to you

    (I am unfortunately horrid at accepting compliments, "thank you" is all I can muster without feeling embarrassed. It is meant sincerely, of course :) )
    Lol. I thought about it! :) (I have too much going on atm - I can barely keep up with the tabs I've opened! :P)
    A drunk woman screamed at me and then
    covered my coworker's car in food. And I
    mean covered it, like smeared it in.
    Yeah I came in early today but there is not enough work for me to do to even work the full 8 hours today. Damnit. I am going to finish this pile of work and then go to Ikea and browse around and then go home. I'll message you for a phone call when I get out of the office.
    Hey sugar, I am at work right now but I can call you in a little while when I go out for a break!
    thank you for the rep Serenity (:
    Finding it quite hard without them at the moment.
    I miss their voices....
    Your voice is really nice. You didn't sound like I thought you would :P I like your voice. It's almost whimsical :P
    And we might have to reschedule our date, sweets :P
    Tell me when you're next free <3!
    Sweet deal! :D

    Oh boy, lol. TIME FOR A VOW OF SILENCE! That's really funny that you should say that, because I've been told I have a high voice, lol. OH WELL, fml D:
    Hopefully I sound different in person :| I'm concerned now.
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