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  • That would be lovely! I have some assignments to finish off tonight and you are way too much of an awesome distraction D: ! I'll let you know on here if I can make it or not :P
    Haha, maybe if my room is warm enough xD Otherwise it might be slightly awkward o_o!

    Haha, noooo! lol, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it. Please, tell me what I sound like! o_o!
    We must! It's a date ^_^
    Clothes are optional, btw :D
    Haha, noooo! I sound awful. Hyperactive and shit. Yuck D:
    Loved hearing you :P Hopefully we can chat more when you don't have to be quiet D: miss hearing you serenade meee ):
    Sorry sweets! We had a storm D: My internet was out for the night ):
    I had fun! I hope you did too :D
    Hope I wasn't too much of a pain last night!
    its called samsung captivate. lol. its 50 bucks and has a touch screen. it'll be my 1st "smart phone".

    also, is it just me or is it gettin hot in that thread??

    just wait till i get a new phone because my current phone is a real shitbox. it refuses to let me take pics anymore or record voice stuff. LAME.
    SADLY, i think that can be arranged, lol.

    gimme a couple days. gotta find the damn microphone. lol. or, i can record it on my phone and send it to myself, but my phone sucks, i'm getting a new one next week, hopefully. yay phones.
    Yeah, I get bad case of anxiety too, but since I don't usually go out, it's not that bad, and I started like you, out of sheer curiosity and because I started to feel alive whenever I tried it. I feel more productive and outgoing with caffeine, otherwise I'm pretty much like a zombie. I'm pretty much sure that I'm addicted to that stuff, I already tried quitting but it wasn't worth it. I started to feel very numb and detached for that month that I stopped.

    As to your second question, I only eat breakfast, from time to time a bowl of cereal at night, but I'm not very fond of food. I only eat it because I begin to feel very weak and my thinking starts to be more disruptive. Seriously, if it weren't for the sugar and carbs I consume from sodas, energy drinks and coffee, I would be super skinny. Yeah, my eating habits are a mess u.u
    It is repulsive. Doesn't it taste like lipstick? The only energy drink that I drink is Monster, a lot more powerful than redbull and tastes better. I basically "down" that stuff because I'm an idiot haha it makes you very anxious, but I don't know, it has become part of my morning routine.
    Oh yeah, how did it go with your red bull tasting? Did you try it? Did you like it?

    well, if thats something you are interested in doing, i definitely would not stop you, lol. if you dont tho, i also totally understand.

    : )
    Oh you did? That is awesome! Did you learn how to do any tricks? I think it would be a cool sport to take up. :)

    The C1 and C2 refers to zoning codes; in my area, they indicate low-density commercial, usually a single-unit, like a corner store or a car dealership.
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