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  • From the books I've read and the videos I've seen - there is "time" between the transition from death to when one decides if/when they come back here. It gives the Soul? Spirit? Individual Consciousness? the chance to process what they learned and to confer with other entities for direction. There is only one exception I've seen to that - and that's when one kills themselves. Then - the moment of rebirth is almost instantaneous. As for what I am thinking about death - well - at the moment I'm more concerned with what I learn before I die. When I'm at my last breath I hope I think "This was a good life and I kept learning till the very end". There is an old Native American saying which says "It's a good day to die". Right now - I'd agree with that for me. My life has been good - and I'm still learning. WooHoo! :dance:
    Yes. My generation should support you guys. I know myself - and my ex- are of that opinion. And I hope I can do it for the rest of my days.

    How is it you are surrounded by death at the moment? What have you been thinking on it?
    The William Blake quote is right to the point - isn't it. "Everything that happens is a positive by some rationalization". That follows along what I try to do in my life - and that is take each experience and learn what I can from it. In my book you are very wise indeed... In some ways I wish I could live for a very long time....just so I can see how you and many others here turn out and accomplish in life. I fully believe it will be your generation to turn the tide...:hug: Thanks for sharing with me. :)
    I've heard of Duality. I'm actually INFj in Socionics, so ESTjs are my dual relation. That's why my friend gets along with me. We can hang out for six hours in a day. We can also text each other for hours. He's ESTJ and ESTj. But I think we do need occasional breaks.

    But I am also 96% likely to be INFp, according to one Socionics test, so that could explain the duality between him and me.
    Many online tests suggest that I am a borderline P. Those tests may be inaccurate, since they don't test the strength of the 8 functions. My Cognitive Functions Test results suggest that I am INFP, though.
    ****"God" is a naturally occurring process that pushes consciousness toward perfection...**** I liked that statement.
    Naturally occurring or not - I still feel the need to practice acceptance while at the same time keeping my eyes wide open. I don't want to be a sheep...
    Don't worry about responding "late" to me. I do it all the time to people. To me it says you have a life and you've taken the time to give it some thought. I appreciate your taking time to think. :)
    Hi Kmal. I thought I had answered your visitor message and when I checked last night I saw nothing. :(
    I went ahead and put my answer in the Ascension thread: Life is amazing in all it's scariness - and joy - for me. One idea that keeps popping up in my mind is about balance: Perhaps the push for unconditional love (or enlightenment) is a natural response to all of the darkness and Fear permeating the global consciousness right now. Watch the video I posted and you'll see some research findings that are very interesting. I hope you have a fantastic day!
    cigarettes? probably a year... i was smoking 4-5 packs a week.... glad i don't anymore... smoking and exercise don't mix :P what's going on, Kmal? how are things in your world?
    Thank you for your encouraging words about becoming stronger every day. I am feeling it! Oh YES I AM!!!!!!!!!!! WooHoo! :dance:
    Posting a reply on your own wall? Hahahahaha...yes it certainly is annoying. Been there....done that. :nod:
    What? Cheering me on?! How very kind of you to let me know this. I...I ...don't know what to say to this...except thank you from the bottom of my heart. [bows to Kmal] I'll keep smiling for a while longer - just 'cause.... :hug:
    Thank you for your recent rep comments. I'm smiling! :D And that is a wonderful thing these days for me Kmal.
    I have this habit of posting on my wall...

    I'm gonna get mama bear on you now because I don't want you playing with fire!!! You cannot control spirits, you can only control you. It takes a lot of practice and unwavering faith in God to ghost bust. Are you religious? If you want to continue speaking with spirits you need to be because you WILL run into some bad shit and spiritual warfare is FRIGHTENING. That being said, it's a gift to be perceptive to the other dimension. Whenever you feel you're not alone imagine yourself in a bubble of God's bright white light and call on the Archangel Michael for protection. He won't let you down, but you have to ask. Rant over because I care.

    I'm more interested in being an intuitive/psychic --someone who gives readings and can get guidance from the other side mainly through communication with angels.
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