I get that a lot. I've gotten pushback from INTJforums claiming I'm not actually an INTJ. INTJs can have a lot of pride/arrogance regarding our, generally, high intelligence and reasoning abilities. I recognize that I had nothing to do with my own intelligence and don't feel the need to advertise it or go out of my way to appear more intelligent. My intellect is a gift to be used for encouraging, edifying, and teaching others. I'm also a pretty strong N, so occasionally I'm feeling weird/silly and am not afraid to let others see that goofiness, even if they might misconstrue it for a lack of intelligence. I'm an intensely visual person and enjoy integrating emoticons into my posts

I have a lot of joy in my life and that's probably what you see in a lot of my posts. I am also different from most INTJs in that we have a tendency to regard spirituality as nonsense - religion and emotions as foolishness. Knowledge is the religion of most INTJs. I LOVE learning and certainly went through the emotional rejection stage (emotions are for the weak, emotions are for the irrational, emotions are stupid) when I was younger, but as I've matured I've come to recognize that emotions are a gift - they make life fuller, more meaningful. I'm also unlike most INTJs in that I'm a devout Christian. My faith, not blind faith (see my conversation with That Girl if you can), study of the Bible, and support of the church body has taken me from a place of cynicism, loneliness, anger, depression, aimlessness to a place of peace, joy, hope, purpose. God has transformed my mind and reshaped my heart to the point that I value relationships and commiserate with peoples' hurts. If I seem like an E, and most people think I am one initially, it's because I am open and transparent with people. If I seem like an F it's because I allow myself to feel. If I seem like a P it's because I've learned to be more open-minded to others' stances over the years. I am most certainly an INTJ, however.