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  • Okay :P
    I dunno what a sidekick moose is tough.
    Probably a mouse who does martial arts.
    Why are you wearing 3D glasses?

    its me an my inner Chem nerd xD. are my number one :)
    Odyne and me are simply making wedding plans xD.
    No, it's ok. Truth hurts, but lies are worse.
    What you said was true to you, and how you felt, and that I appreciate.
    It still hurts, and I understand where you are coming from.
    I really didn't articulate properly...I have a rather complex opinion about this that is hard to put into words. Forgive me, fair Melkor
    I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I could do to help?

    Life and death are pretty similar I suppose. I find that actively putting yourself in new situations, especially ones that make you feel uncomfortable or lost, helps get you out of nihilistic funks, but I'm told even uncertainty gets dull after a while. Hmm. Still, it might be worth a try. In the very least, you'll end up with a story to tell.

    I've been okay, but find myself feeling stressed because I'm trying to get a house for four of my friends and I to live in next year. Naturally, things have gone wrong, usually at the last minute.

    I'm also kind of amused that you think I might be female. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
    Yeah, I think this particular situation is where being in a lucid state is most useful because you can, depending your experience, control your excitement and if you can do that then you don't 'cockblock' yourself when the dream reacts to your excitement, anticipation or whatever emotion you might be feeling in your dream. The dream is merely mirroring you so whatever your feel or anticipate will affect the dream in some way good or bad. It takes a lot of experimentation to get the 'feel' for it but if you're really interested on the subject there is a lot of good books about Lucid Dreaming on Amazon. Check em out.
    I need to make a crazy, extremely kind and loud extrovert friend.
    Yeah, but they're the kind who will want to drag you to parties.
    I was introduced as the 'most likely to become a serial killer' to a girl because I had made some jokes the day before.

    You can never get rid of that damn first impression :(
    I have done pot enough to know it doesn't cause long term changes within me. When I was little I was placed on an antidepressent that did cause damage so I do know what it is like to have damage. You also have to remember, I have studied the chemistry of anything I choose to do very heavily before I do it. I also have read scientific journals on the research. The risk it imposes is making me lazy, and if that happens I will see it within myself and halt it. You have likely seen how risk adverse I am. If I forsee a major risk I don't do something. I don't see a major risk with this and I spoke to MANY people before I decided. Don't worry man :smile:.
    I wasn't questioning your statement, I was just wondering what you thought was stopping you,
    luckily you interpreted that right.

    A couple of nights ago, I was at a party.
    I was just standing there, thinking: 'I don't belong here. I don't even want to speak with these people.'
    Nothing really, except for the usual.
    I'm in computer class, wondering how this teacher achieved tenure. She's even confused me. She said "sometimes I forget what to do, but if you just click enough it tends to work out just fine." W A T.
    I hope you're satisfied with knowing you've hurt me.
    Job well done.

    Move along now.
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