Hmm, well as long as you have someone to confide in, that's really the important bit.
I have this terrible habit of saying stuff that sounds like advice. I think it's a result of my youth, when what I wanted most was to grow up and be taken seriously. I thought it was a different way of growing up, but it was really just another way of being young (damn I did it again. I assure you that last bit wasn't deliberate

I am fond of them, but they do drive me crazy from time to time. I'm very private, but they wanted me to be open from day one. But to be fair, I'm sure I annoy them too by being difficult. It's a good friendship I think. I don't know what they think.
Very true. It's a gamble every time. Still, one that pays off terrifically when it does.
I'm glad you liked it. Calvin and Hobbes is wonderful.