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  • 'Decent and moral Light', eh? That would be something.
    Maybe you should try creating a new world, oh my moral sir. Nothing beats the imagination, but carrying your plan to reality is also something of a wonder and fascination in itself. ;)

    LOL 'creeps'.
    I loled at the Spiderman comparison when he goes emo in the third movie.
    Also, Dexter, although I've never actually watched the show, but from what I've heard, is quite a psychological fascination by himself. Would this be you? If so, now you've got my interest. ;D

    Who's Chocky? ;O
    Ah, well that's a pretty tricky question to answer. I mean, does anyone ever say no? It's similar to being asked if you can keep a secret. I suppose if by trustworthy you mean I wouldn't tell others what was told to me in confidence, than I feel I'd do a good job of that. Incidentally, would you consider yourself to be trustworthy?

    Well, that's good then. I'm a bit worried it makes me sound patronising. I like receiving advice too, but most people don't tend to give very good advice. I suppose it's because most people I know are often in similar situations, so they're really in no position to be handing that stuff out.

    I find it funny that your colleague-friend would say that. It's an interesting reflection of himself, because the kid is pretty selfish and impulsive and...Id? Can that even be an adjective? While the tiger is more Ego or Super Ego. Sometimes they switch places. But they're both very silly at times though, which is charming in an childhood innocence sort of way. I'd recommend reading it if you have ever have some free time.
    aha! So I was caught lurking round the INFJforum again?

    Heh. I'm sort of looking and wondering if there's anywhere in the world I fit enough to share a thought. If it's even wise to share such things. I may well have expended my extraversion for several years. And I don't see the point of adding my voice if it's of no clarity. Much talk promulgates much deception. Unintentional, well-meaning confusion. Time to burrow back into my mind and be alone again.

    Am I really an INFJ like these folk? They seem so... different. Maybe if I wasn't such a....

    You know, the more I listen to other people the less I know.
    Rememberwhenitrained NEEDS TO STOP POSTING.

    I feel overwhelmed. Too many pussies. ;D

    Jus kidding i love kitties. nomnom
    A thousand posts already! It was about 800 a few weeks ago! D:
    You are one scary sociable beast.
    Congrats and goodnight, sir.
    Right, right. So which are you? L or Light?
    I gotta know my master. ;D

    People actually compare you to Light irl? Seriously? That's kinda awesome. Lol
    I'd say I wish I was compared to someone, but then I kinda don't like being compared to anyone I think. Maybe. Probably.

    But you didn't say you didn't like strawberries. :D!
    No worries. Next time, I'm giving you chocolate mousse. How would you like that? (:

    Only if you buy me a new bag of sweets.

    Oh blah. I just can't stay happy these days. What about you rain?
    i got what you meant. but you didn't include the jelly part first. and no, not a fan. thanks though.
    My world is not pink!
    I just like adorning you with pink stuff. :D

    But if I were a little more intelligent, I'd probably go to L.
    And that makes me lose the chance to follow you. :]

    That's a strawberry smoothie, mixed with lots of loves and hugs and everything nice! :D
    Only if you'd allow me to be Misa, dear Light. <3

    That's fine with me about the pink one. I don't much fancy it either.
    However, I think you'd look quite adorable with it.

    Here's your smoothie, m'lord.
    Aww, poor baby.
    Here, I got you a pink bracer. Just in case your neck gets into some sort of injury.
    well thanks.
    lolz. then again i could say the whole confidence thing to you too...
    patience is a very good trait. glad you have it.
    agreed on the point about the education system.

    and, no, it's not that i enjoy it, it's that i don't get it.
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