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  • implied i believe.
    come on, i know you read between lines too, don't pretend like i don''t either :)
    You mentioned deletion, and that's something else. Always feel free to ask us via pm - otherwise, we'll probably respond in the thread. :)
    I don't think they delete threads by request, here

    *evil grins*

    Your self-sufficient, loveless person is shattered forever
    //huggles and snuggles and cuddles and cookies and weeee LOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOOOOOU
    Fucking shit I wanted to type a longer message but accidentally hit enter.
    You're drunk anyway.
    Whether it matters or not, I'd like to know.
    I'm here to listen love.

    You're not a 'pathetic, stupid freak'. You're wonderful.
    And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who thinks so.
    But if that's the case, then know I won't tire of telling or reminding you of that. <3
    ): -hugs-

    What common mental illness was it may I ask?

    I'm glad you're not bogged down about it though.
    At least you're seeing the bright side of things. :]
    Ohh. Is that her forum name? I've never seen her around.

    Really? You were subjected to that? I'm sorry to hear that darling ):
    Whatever for though?

    I know what you're talking about when it comes to lies. I often find it too easy as well.
    Manipulation too, most of the time. It's kind of sad.

    Also, with your reason as to why you can never be like Light, I applaud thee.
    If only I can give you a rep point for that :P

    I wouldn't want to change people either.
    If I do, then I'll probably get bored so soon. Too much of the same is too boring.
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