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  • Yeah I didn't mean to accuse you of not having a job, just that you're at college too. I started full time and only went part time for a small period while I was 19. Also most of my half siblings are like 15-20 years older than me. You ever thought of moving out? I'm assuming you're living with parents if you're giving them money.
    Yeah the old Xbox is unweildly, 360 ain't a bag of feathers either.

    Sucks to be part of a large, and what seems turbulant family. I was lucky enough to have split parents and only half siblings, so I got kinda spoiled. Also started working at 17 and never stopped, meant I was able to buy all kinds of shit.
    Haha, I still have my old xbox too. Anyway Steam is a program made by Valve that holds servers, allows you to buy and download PC games, and also keeps a friends list. It's like live for PCs.
    i disagree, but it's too early in the morning here to have a argument, much less a logical one
    no, because if it was most certainly, i would not have known that you really do care despite saying and/or implying you don't :D
    Wait, what happened to your other hand? Car accident? Mini christopher reeves-syndrome? ARE YOU EVEN STILL ALIVE.

    k bye computer class time.
    :) I know, it is pretty uncomfortable...but it'll disappear off the board in a few days - heck, maybe a few hours. People will forget about it and discuss something new. I can't promise you won't be teased about it, but the thread won't be resurrected. This too shall pass, dear Melkor - but trust me, you aren't the first to drink and post. MF has done it plenty of times, as has Indy.
    The persona is also the mask or appearance one presents to the world.

    From a psychological perspective not literary lol
    I skipped a grade so I'm graduating early :)
    Its been quite well socially.

    Academically I been a bit paranoid with college admissions and other university related things.

    Personally I love this Melkor persona :)
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