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  • T
    Well.. This changes the situation quite a bit, doesn't it?
    I'd ask you for sexual favours but I don't want to make Raccoon jealous :$
    I can't recall such thing.

    So you shouldn't be apologizing.
    Oh man, I'm sorry. How stupid of me. Life got busy again.

    So, you can;t connect to anyone, and don't know why. I'm assuming that because this is a problem, you want to connect. Also, unless you have some birth disorder that prevents it, we can assume you still have the innate ability (humans are social creatures and are universally programmed with social procedures). You just need to trust and love yourself enough to actually do so. I know the last part can be hard to do, I spent Years working on it (about 7). How to actually develop this self appreciation, I'm not sure, it depends on why its lacking.

    Or am I way off?
    "may i offer you some rather astounding personal insights i have gleaned? if only i had some insight."
    It'll only be aggressive if I can feel you baring your teeth.
    I'm animalistic.

    That is what trees and cats are for.
    I like your communication means.
    It takes me awhile to respond sometimes.
    You can complain if you want to.
    Everyone else does.

    I've never heard your voice.
    Well perhaps if we spoke more you would
    know me better and then perhaps you
    could make a better judgment call on my
    MBTI type.
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