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  • I thank your for the things you write, I than you for your wonderful personality. There's a special feeling/ vibe you give, which makes me happy all the time.

    Deep inside, I know there's more to your marvelous persona then just mere facts :)
    That avatar almost makes you look human.
    Took me 4 hours to wash, refinish, wax, vaccum and wipe. I took before and after picture but due to the glare, it all looks exactly the same.. :D *JUST SO YOU KNOW ANY FURTHER MESSAGES WILL NOT BE ANSWERED. I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS* lol :D
    You know, pets = instant love.
    And they can't say no.
    You can have a badge with a bitch on it. Would you like a Jersey shores bitch, or a border collie?
    Sounds you have Melkor disorder, it's pretty damn rare. Only one user per forum has it.
    So then I have a question, are you those kind of people who can't say goodbye? Cuz I work at an answering service and sometimes when I say goodbye it goes like this:

    Anything else I can do for you today?


    Alright, have a great day!


    Bye. *goes to hang up*

    Bye. (uhhh, what?)

    At this point I don't know if I should say good bye again, thus officially ending this conversation, or just hang up, which is equally official. Usually I just hang up.
    I killed it. and ate it. For funsies.

    No I'm just saying, like I'll text someone something awkward like "totally just tripped and fell off the stage at my gradation ceremony" and if I don't get a text back my brain is like "UHHHH WHY ARENT THEY TEXTING ME BACK !?!?!?!" Maybe because it's not a big deal? Nevar ! :p
    I can get like that. Like if I say irl "oh btw I once killed a baby for funsies." and I don't get a reply, I feel like I shouldn't have done that...

    I kid. I kid.
    Sometimes I just don't know what to say lol. Like I don't feel a response is necessary. But I usually respond back in the threads, instead of via the CP.
    Really? You haven't found even one person, somewhere, who resembles you, even the slightest?

    I don't know about sex. It's... hmmm...not the most intriguing activity to me either.
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