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  • i'm sorry to hear ireland is so shit, are you planning to stay there for the time being? london seems pretty cool, aside from the traces of imperialist rot.

    i've read a portrait of the artist too, but i read it when i was about your age, so i don't remember it all that clearly. but what do you mean by ill-informed?
    someone open a window! your socks are fine, but the religious atmosphere must stink. you personally encounter religious violence?

    i'm guessing finnegans wake?
    I'm not exactly sure myself what a laofmoonster is, although I guess I am one, considering that's what I call myself...
    And thank you =3
    Thank you so much.

    I love you <3, you have such a great spirit in you.

    Life is hard yes, but might as well make it the best as we can, <3<3
    oddly enough, you're the first person to make that joke

    everyone seems to think it says loaf monster or something like that...
    I like furry porn, but the average furry scares me in person. It hurts me to say this, but furries are pretty much the male equivalent of Twilight fans.
    I personally like Melkor more. It's sounds evil, it suits you.

    Loki sounds like lucky in japanese, way too cute for you.

    Unless you want to be cute? o.O
    Is INFJ really desirable? I had a major conflict with the thought that I might be an INFJ. Depending on how you define Fe, it can come off as weak and spineless (Typically when combined with Ni but no Ti to suppress )

    I've often thought the same, lots of INFPs and S's. Alas, I don't know the 'thoughts' of others. I mean, it's hard to tell I have intuition on the internet (Well...not that hard, but it's a lot easier in real life)

    Satya is a XNTP. VH is an ENFJ (Or omegaNFJ. Something like that. Both an introvert and extrovert) and ah...I see. Interesting. I've noticed, it actually pisses me off. I've seen people go into a topic and blatantly say "This topic isn't important, lets discuss this instead!"

    And...hmm...I'm not sure if the difference is a sign that a person might not be a type. I often disagree with the INTJs on INTJ forum about particular issues (But of course...People do think I'm an INFJ over there and even on typology forum. This is the only forum that thinks I'm an T actually)'s homogeneity. But it's the right term.
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