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  • Y'know Melly, if you don't stop having those ridiculous self-image issues, I'm gonna beat them out of ya. How's that? :)
    Yes. Yes you do.

    Also no I don't think your a crazy Japanophile.

    And really there are so many different people tangled up down here that no one would care about your accent, and if it's really different people may even be interested in it.
    In Florida there are tons of kids just like you. In fact it's kinda the in thing at the moment, you'd fit right in. :D That's probably why I think you look good. I guess it depends on where you are.

    I know what's considered attractive here is definitely not in Japan.
    Wait you took it down because someoen said you were cute?


    Also I actually dress very conservatively, Long sleeve shirts and jeans, unless it's very hot which it is very often here, on such occasions I wear T-shirts and shorts.

    I'm practical when it comes to dressing myself.
    Let others be the judge of that, I have pics in my album I think.

    But do you have a larger pic of yourself?

    Ah yes and of course, the suites, hows this one?
    Oh well, I guess it's true. Being a freak really does it for me though. You get to see the world in ways nobody else does.
    Well I look nothing like my avatar. So I don't know how I should take that. :P

    But the honeymoon we CAN do. Where too? The Bahamas? Paris, France? The Great Wall of China?
    I would but it's illegal here.

    And yes, I'll never be as attractive as a cold calculating cyborg. With nary a piece of humanity remaining.

    Yeah I spin through avatars alot. This one has small font anyways so I'm about to change it again.

    Soooo You want to be a Cyberman!

    Well you know what that means right? I have to replace your body parts. First thing that has to go is your head sadly.

    Don't worry, I'll try to make this as quick as possible.

    I don't make any promises on the pain factor.
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