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  • To be honest I'm probably some kind of freak blend of everything. If you want to read the long edition of my autobiography to figure it out, just ask a couple questions in that direction... :P
    In MBTI, I seem to be a blend of INTP and INFJ. In socionics, I seem to be a blend of EII and LII (although I am new to socionics, so I would have to do more research to verify or expand on that). My feeling and thinking, and my ethics/logic all seem to be in line with each other and work together when I make decisions. I am overly annoyed when anyone makes a decision only based on one aspect or another.
    Perhaps I should just make a long post somewhere describing who I am and see what people think. Maybe I can annoy a few people my inventing my own lables and denying them repeatedly when they try to tell me I'm wrong... *evil laugh*
    All the sudden you look better and better my Irish friend. But maybe that's just pan whispering in my ear.

    I wonder how much a ticket to Ireland costs...

    I heard someone cleverer than me say that it is because "Poe wrote on both." But I always thought that the real similarity is tea. You can drink tea at a writing desk, and if ravens could make tea, they would drink plenty of it :p In any case, you can certainly drink tea while thinking of either one, which is similarity enough :D
    cheer up champ!

    can't we spell fuck with the pope? i always lose guessing games. you'd better ask god about that one.

    as for my gender, i didn't realise you were hitting on me. i thought we were just enjoying some pleasant discourse.
    but enough about me, hot stuff. how's life? is it true that yawling babes are weaned on seamus heaney in your country?
    Perhaps, but that really depends on what you think it means to be a human. My signature and I, we mainly refer to the fallibility and the emotional weaknesses that seem to always be part of the package.

    And underestanding their motives? Is it ever really anything more than the psychological enigma that most people have to them.
    oh dear... I'll put it this way... I may be as soft and cuddly as a baby bird, but if you touch me, mah momah won't take me back! >.< O noes!

    I will make adorable sounds at you though ... *merp*
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