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  • If it's head just turned 180 degrees and it didn't make that face at the end, just stared, then it would be scary!

    Wanna go on chat?
    My friend can be really insensitive- and he thinks he's a really sensitive person. He's sensitive to any form of criticism or debate, but not towards others. Two types of sensitive! Haha, I'm not as weird as that guy, so I guess I can relax.

    You can please take a picture of yourself eating it? Like... the cream over your lips?
    Yeah that's why I hate shopping too! And that's what annoys me the most, no one else even notices it! How can I go around feeling all these things, seeing all these things when everyone else doesn't see it? It's SO weird. Christ, I am so fucking weird. WE are so fucking weird, lol.
    It's always been me and andy working it together so... I'm not alone! Even then, it was almost impossible! But we have a class of 70 people.

    Yeah, everyday I'm reminded how shit I am with people. I fucking hate them sometimes. The world seems like hostile and dangerous place to me. Even today, when I went to buy that stuff, people are such pricks. Even though I don't show it, I'm always so wounded by people sometimes and I know I shouldn't be. Half the nobs that step to me, I could take them off the planet if I wanted to, but that doesn't make me feel any better.
    But, enough excuses! You remember the vampire film I told you about ages ago? It's back on, baby! Just so sick of not having anything to show for myself. I gotta put on my director hat now and start approaching people on my course. So far, in the time I've been here, I've only really got a inkling of good working relationship with, like, 2 people! But me, andy and scott plus 2 other people will be a good team. It's just doing all this in between the course! I've got a journal and an entire script to write for the course itself. It's gonna be hard, but I'm determined. I'm sick of not doing what I came here to do.
    One thing that sucked about this course when I finally started it, was that we don't use any decent equipment until, like, the 2nd year. Even though it is the most well equipped uni in the UK (pro 16 mm cameras- only in third year!) they won't let us shoot on the EX3s, Z5s or Z7SR's until the second year. The DSR 300 we use now, is like going back 3 years in time!
    Tomorrow we are going in to pester them about using Z5s (officially, we have to be inducted- even though I've used it for the past 3 years...) It's either that or buy my own camera which is ridiculously expensive- I'm a student I can't afford it. Plus upgrading my computer, THEN buying the actual software... Ugh, I've been over it in my head a million times but it's just not possible
    Oh god, I would love to make a video to blow everyone else out of the water! I could do it, it's just I don't have the equipment like I used to. I shoot in HD, light it properly, motion graphics, everything! It would be like a little documentary on INFJs in general rather then my own self, but it would still be very personal.
    I mean I don't have anything I feel I want to say. It's all been said before on youtube. "Meh", is the term I'm looking for!
    I know you would, lol. We've both established I'm irresistible to you. I was gonna post that vid of you tube but... I really don't want to. I really have nothing to say, there are tons on there anyway. It wouldn't be the best, there has been one recently uploaded by this guy, he is sat in some strangers garden, eating, while making the video, THAT was really good.
    It makes video quality much better. It's clearer and aesthetically more pleasing to look at :w:
    I don't even know why I said that, I never get drunk.

    You know, the lighting in my room in Bournemouth is much, much better. Especially in the day because I'm sat next to a window.
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