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  • Wow the Giraffe is amazing! Seriously. Damn, you've got so many skills and talents... I can't do anything! It's quite depressing!

    LOL! You made... cakes! Very productive!
    Well, there are two things that I really want from you. You could do them, but it's up to you and I'm not pushing any more. Nah but your card was so much more awesome then mine, I feel I have to make up for it!

    Just wait, I've haven't really gotten into this new term yet, the endless torture will begin soon!

    Oooh and pictures! The best!
    You said ages ago that you were the one on the left, and that he was winning!

    Yep, slept loads. I'm aching all over from training yesterday. Ahh I missed that feeling! Stretching in the morning is lush. I went to town today, and I bought a bunch of little things for my little plan. I'm in at 12 tomorrow so I've got a lie in, then I've got tuesday off as well! Goooooood times!

    Did you go see your grandfather? What did you get up to?
    Haha, I've said too much! Don't worry yourself my dear. In fact (jedi mind trick) this conversation never even happened.
    Lol, no. I'm not sure if I'll do it though. Is it kind of creepy? Me sending you stuff?
    Yeah but you can pick it up somewhere, they send it back to the post office.
    If I sent you a package, you'd be able to get it right? It's not gonna be put in a furnace if you miss it? I'm still debating whether I should... maybe something smaller.
    Not much, catching up on sleep! I'm gonna go to town to buy something for you though :madgrin: Then I'll work on my remaining journal.
    Haha, I was thinking... that would be pretty funny (and painful)

    What are you doing tomorrow?
    No, I'm not really interested in it. I have a bunch of other skills/hobbies to develop anyway.
    God, when it said 'Some paper work' I was like "Uhhhh". Paper work is the words I've heard all week!

    Hmm a T-rex still doesn't make it manly!
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