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  • I am still alive. lol It was adorable and cute, we ended up playing PC games and watching cartoons together. She was an angel.
    Not much atm really, been replaying old games as well as Starcraft 2 and replaying MW2. I miss good games :(
    Yeah tbh at the time I was pretty excited for AvP and wanted Dx11. I had my fair share of shitty nVidia cards. And I wanted one of the best cards available at the time. This all influenced me to get the 5870. I didn't actually know much about it before deciding to get it.
    4870s are notorious for having BSOD problems apparently. The 5870 however is the smoothest, quietest, and most powerful card I've ever had. It actually makes the PC. I've also had less problems with it than I've had with any card.

    Superior Dx11 support also helps. Even though few games use Dx11, at least you know it's future proof.
    shit dude, you trying to get me in trouble with Dove? Posting such hot porn on my visitors wall...
    So basically, a tablet is looking mighty tempting once I figure out my money situation this fall!
    I'm getting closer and closer to giving up on this piece of junk HP laptop I have. Their quality is terrible. I've had it for 2 or 3 years, and tonight out of the blue the left LCD hinge decided to pop out, and it's threatening to snap. I have a friend who has a tech position and if he or anyone he knows can't fix it (and it's a relatively easy fix, I just don't want to take the piece of crap apart on my own) I think I'm going to scrap it. I know if I took it to Best Buy they'd just charge me $100+ to ship it to HP to have it sit in their ware-house for a month. Hell, I probably couldn't even get $100 for this thing.
    Hey man, if you're interested I wanted to show you the quality of output that Kristal Audio program is capable of. I did some recordings of my cousin a couple months ago with only one condenser mic, and a dynamic mic in the corner of the room for acoustics. In my make-shift studio I hung a sheet over the window and over the door, otherwise all of the sound quality comes from the program itself. Some of the FXs built in are capable of making some pretty decent sounds if you spend enough time playing with the settings.

    If you're interested just let me know and I'll email you a song or two of hers.
    Damnit! I burst out laughing at that pic, and the people I was helping must think I'm crazy!
    Yup. Not very close, but it's a favor they asked and I have nothing to do tomorrow.
    That actually happens often enough. I've just never been responsible for one, that's all.
    Dude, how many times do I have to tell you! Eat all the pizza you want, just don't get your ranch dressing all over my N64 controller!
    I think it's the people, the atmosphere, the BEAUTY, and the freshness of it. Also, I love the healthy mentality of the state and maybe the liberal/hippie bent. :)
    ah, you haven't really overdone it, as much as I'd seen. :) in fact for a type with a (supposedly) inferior Fe, you have a well-developed Fe. :)

    what made you suspected that you have better Ti rather than Se?

    am going to bed now so I won't able to reply it directly >_<
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