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  • Yup that sound abour right, will do my best to impress them. :P I'll throw in a few crossed lines, wrong turns and improvise some more. I'm sure that they'll be thrilled to had an opportunity to drive with me in the car. :P
    It is a CG171SF and originally sold for $350. They discontinued the model (probably weren't making a lot of money because the build quality is SO damn good.) I had bought a cheaper classical guitar before I realized that one went out of production, as soon as I learned that I found a reseller that still had some available. A lot of reviewers said it has the quality of many $1000+ guitars. There is still an electric version of it out there which is around $550.
    Gah! Silly me! What I said would be cumbersome to do. The thumb would get so tired and reaction time between MA would have to be prefect.

    Do you mind me asking how much it was?

    LOL, nice tempo pun.
    :D Archivist, librarian (of course), museum curator, researcher, database analyst...there's a host of stuff, really. Problem is the job market isn't too great for entry level folks.
    Dude, your guitar has an awesome tone! I love the sounds that are coming through my speakers.

    Triplets are so much fun to play. I haven't done anything Spanish-esque in a while. What way are you picking the triplets? I can't slow it down enough to figure it out, but are you going down P, up P, down with with MA, down P, up P, down with MA?
    Well, mine is coming to an end, I should be getting ready for work tommorow, and now I'm trying to decide what to watch before going to bed, a few episodes of Friends, a few episodes of The big bang theory or an episode or two of The wire. Ah, such hard decisions I have to make. :D

    I'm glad for you, and I'm a bit envious of you, I wish I had an opportunity to have one of those days during this weekend.

    Btw, I passed the first driving exam, now I have an actual driving to pass and I'll get a licence. Yay, for me. :D
    That's a good question, since the market is kind of up in the air for library science students. I'd like to move to Seattle or thereabouts, and try to find a job out there. I'm ready to make my roots in a different town and city. I may decide to get my PhD in English depending on how well I do on the GRE (I took the MAT test for my Masters of Library Science, which was a nice alternate).
    Blah, somewhat nervous, my parents are going for a vacation in an hour or so, and I can't wait to see them go, my mom tends to make such a big fuss and drama out of everything when she is about to go somewhere.

    How about you?
    No, actually, I'm almost finished - I'll take two of the (maybe hardest courses of my career) in Fall, and then Spring will be Capstone and hopefully just a core class I lost. If I have to take another one, a research class, I guess I'm okay with it. I really don't want to because the Capstone is insane, but I will if I must.
    I'm just about to listen to your recording, and I'll let you know what I think :)

    As for the mic, right now my stuff is all over the place. I'm moving early friday morning, but I plan on taking a small amount of my equipment and recording stuff with me (sadly I don't think my 1000w sound set up would be appreciated) The mic that is built in on my laptop is pure horse-poo. When I do recordings I have to set it up in another room and play with setting for hours. Once I get all moved in I'll have my condensers set up and I should probably be able to do it then. It sounds like it'd be a blast!

    Do you have any recording software on your computer?
    bah, not really. There's still much much more to learn and experience, and sometimes I feel like I limit myself. I think I am just tired.
    Me oh my, I'm flattered mister!

    Man, we really have to meet in real life someday. I feel like it'd be either complete silence or non-stop laughing. I bet they served up some real good country itchin' at that place.

    I hear you about wanting a relaxing Sunday. Lazy Sundays are the best. If you get any more recordings done feel free to pass any my way. I like what I'm hearing!
    *dons professional looking dollar store business suit*
    In Texas we call that little bit of practice somethin' spahshil, talent. Boy, I haven't heard this sort of talent to come out of the west since Lefty Fizzle and Hank Williams got together one dark dark night to record their hit single "It ain't Incest, it's Country Lovin'!" You'll be selling out topless bars and then Las Vegas in no time. What do ya say? Why don't you sign here on the dotted line and we'll call up your ol' Mama and tell her her boy's goin' be FAMOUS!

    Seriously man, you've got it. I like the rough edges around your voice on the ends of notes. I don't think it will take much to get it where you want it.

    Today's looking like a good day around here. I'm awake during the day, the sun's out, my pot of coffee is only half gone, and I have a full day and a half to do what ever before I have to work again. How about you? What's up?
    Okay, not to be a creeper or anything (hell, who am I kidding you've seen me standing outside your window) but I saw your recording on Odyne's wall. AWESOME MAN! It's amazing how much your voice reminds me of my middle school band instructor's. You both have such a similar singing voice!
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