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  • Well, I don't know what to tell you without getting too entangled in this and make further assumptions. That and I don't see how you can make it about me, when it wasn't about me in the first place. :D
    lol~ they sound like heaven to me. the closest i've been to being fanned with giant leaves is having my sister try to hit me with a pillow and missing xD i'm glad you had a rest, being ragged and tired is no fun (i feel it now ;-;) and yeah, dreams and reality are difficult to separate, especially when the dreams are so much more fun and you don't want to! :P
    OH i am so jealous! an exquisite nap is exactly what i need right now xD can i ask what made it so exquisite? ;)
    lol, I was there longer before you were. I got tired, and I want some quite time tonight. =)
    pfft, me? copying? never! I am the mistress of all that is original! ;)

    now, come on tiny chat and claim them.
    Um, I don't have a dance thread...that and whatever thread you made, you musta made it way before I made mine, so you can't really compare and therefore your logic has just failed!

    Super fantastic post in the disaffected youth thread. I tried to give rep but alas I can not. I agree that its okay to be angry with a way things are, but at the same time why just be angry and give up not do anything. And why not try to figure it out instead of misguide it toward everything and nothing, toward everyone? I'll put it in the thread. :)
    I've deleted my responses regarding that comment. I'm requesting you delete my quotes from your comments as well. thx.
    That piece you played on Kalimba sounds amazing! I really like the sound of that instrument. And you are not bad at all. ;)
    I just recently got ISFP on a test, but with a very slight F preference. I'm just toying with the idea at the moment. I still think I'm naturally an ISTP though.
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