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  • This was a project I did as my graduate thesis, obviously that's not me in the video, and control strategy was probably very different than one he used but the outcome was very similar:

    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪inverted pendulum‬‎[/ame]

    here are some nice ones

    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪Real Word Problems From My Physics Book - PH17‬‎[/ame]
    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪Cool Computer Program‬‎[/ame]

    Yup, three doses of The Wire a day will make you better for sure. :D So let me know how you like your medicine. In the mean time here is another two of the cool short vids:

    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪Magic? Think Again‬‎[/ame]
    [ame=""]YouTube- ‪Unexplained Phenomenon - Simplest Electric Motor‬‎[/ame]
    I knew you'll like it! :D

    Did you watch The Wire? If you haven't, download two or three episodes, you'll be hooked up right away, I promise. :)
    Been there, done that, until I completely burned myself out and needed months to recover from it. Being there for others and not for yourself although it might be rewarding at the moment really isn't that rewarding in the long run. I was really depressed for a long time as a result of being there for everybody else but not for myself.

    As for the fundamental changes, well, they are tied to what I was saying previously, I realized that will not last much longer if I don't dwell on what I need and what I want, so I spent some time with myself and got to the conclusion that I really don't want to have kids any time soon (meaning in the next several years), that I want more from others, and I'm really enjoying my work at the moment. Fundamental change is that I managed to be happy for a lot longer than I have been in the last few years and I'm all into sustaining that goal. I een started losing weight which for me is a really big sign that I'm on the right track, that I'm dealing with positive stress rather than just negative one.
    I'm so glad, you should fight it, because from what it seems here on the forum you are a really great guy, and I think that social anxiety is only preventing the world of having some more of your greatness.

    ENFPs are fun, but it seems that I know only highly extroverted ones which is a no-no combination for me in the long run, but yea, they can really cheer you up when you are down.

    What gets you stressed so much?
    If you didn't watch The Wire you should find some time to watch it, I think that with your frame of mind you'll find that tv show to be right up your alley.

    I would have a great time but it's on a work day night , and I'm not sure about the ride I'll have to take because it a 4 hours drive to the city the concert is in. It's all logistics.

    I'm having some major life paradigm shift in the past couple months, and as a result of that my mind is just flooded with ideas, so I'm thinking of ways to channel that enormous energy. I think that I'm going through a fundamental change and I'm enjoying it full-time.

    What kind of catalyst you've run by when your Fe started rearing it's beautiful head? :)

    What an unconventional sentence. :)

    I'm in a strange mood. It's Friday and I'm beginning my relaxing session. :) Contemplating a bit if I'll be able to go to a Solomon Burke concert next week. A bit restless on top of all that.

    So how does it look like when Fe is peeking out?
    I hope things ease up a bit at work for you.

    When and what are you going to sing?

    I've been feeling a bit aimless lately. That's not exactly the best feeling.
    Just the fact that I've been feeling a bit aimless lately, like I need to be working towards something or get a job. What about you?
    why did you delete that?! I wanted to hear it, doesn't matter if it was out of tune.
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