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  • I don't even remember, I got 12 hours of sleep and now I feel fantastic! haha
    About music theory? Because I won't understand what you're talking about unless I learn some myself first and have the tools to apply what I learned, aka practice.
    Thank you.

    It's much easier to learn music theory on a keyboard than a violin. I need to learn music theory first before I play ANY musical instrument.
    Meh, it's a book--they're meant to be overlooked to an extent. lol.
    I found myself scoffing at him for entertaining the idea of suicide.. or hinting at it.
    Reading the novel I thought, "God, he's almost inhuman like a demi-god..." and the ending does bring you spiraling back to the realization that he is indeed human and with the same weakness as anyone else--despite how hard he worked to make himself invulnerable and cruel..

    And I agree--it would have been super lame if Mercedes and he got together again. It wouldn't have made much sense for that to happen after he has finished with his past. Which, maybe now that I think about it--the thought of killing himself may have been symbolic for his rebirth into a new way of life.
    Yea most of what I have read in Ishmael has had me wanting to jump out of my chair and say "YES, why is everyone so fucking retarded about all of this???
    Haha! Indeed. The part that really got me was the thing about how the fall of mankind is an analogy for takers.
    There are certain things I like about him.. He's clever and intelligent and debonaire (lol). Overall, yes it was the moral grey area.. the whole vengeance thing. Of course, without that --there wouldn't have been a story to tell though! But at the end it seems that he regrets all his doings in revenge and question himself..
    And you're going to have to tell me what you think of Ishmael. When I first read it, I found myself a bit melancholy because I profoundly agreed with what was being said, and yet felt there was little I could do.
    Firstly, I enjoyed it. Overall, I liked it.. but I don't like the character of Monte Cristo.
    Well that's good then. :)

    Hmm, if you don't mind me saying so, your job sounds like something out of the movie Office Space. Are you going to have to look for a new place to work, or are you going to work under that new company? I know very little about networks and servers, but I was always interested in learning about computers since ever since I saw Evangelion (that's pretty nerdy, I know). How did you get into that stuff?

    You should watch this video about an IT guy who has to deal with a Sales employee:

    You may or may not have already seen it since it was popular on places like Digg and Reddit a while back. I'm really sorry to hear about the abundance of idiot business majors. It's one of my greatest fears that I'll have to work under someone like that when I graduate. I completely sympathise with you. It's because of people like that, that I don't like telling others at my school that I'm a business major.

    Perhaps we ought to talk about happier things. Are you a great admirer of classical music?
    .. It's probably very redundant and worthless at this point, but things haven't been really great in America, have they? :( The crisis seems to affect lots of companies there... I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you'll find a better job, and this last months will go well. Do you got any plans about the extra pay?

    Nah, a good side of healthy T is good for my health. :) I'm still trying to handle my problems too. I don't know if I would succeed, or if there's any wisdom I could gain from it, or if I would ever get any wisdom from it, but well, sometimes one's just gotta walk.
    Well for now I'm up for some coffee, quiet contemplation and enjoyment. I should be up to some cleaning business but today I have no strength for that so I gave up on that. :D

    As for the other topic, I must say that I'm not really sure if anywhere any of your money, or time or patience are not spent on BS. Europe might suit your need for some political freedom and different kind of political management, but you shouldn't be surprised at BS that's eventually all around.

    I came to think that for the people who are fairly apolitical and in a way see things in a different fashion which might prevent them for ever being satisfied, it's better to accept that people probably will not come to their senses during this lifetime and to turn all their creative forces to finding a way to swim around all that BS around them.

    I think that it would be a waste of potential for someone like you not to go to Uni. It could be that you never gave yourself a chance to find your passion. I always think that when you are feeling s pressed to find yourself you should better relax and let your inner self guide you to it instead of stressing about it.

    How about you? merging isn't my specialty but it seems complicated and messy..... it seems both companies are troubled in one way and another? I see that you're planning to leave; yeah, this seems to make a good addition to your resume, and surely the extra pay didn't hurt! I wish you bests of luck in getting through this.

    Are you planning to change your job, or moving away to another state?

    As for me, well, some of it are kinda personal (mainly self-depression or something), but I'm currently filling my time with drawing and reading, I think it's going to stay this way until next week. I'd also have to complete my mini proposal about studying overseas to give to my ESTJ father. Tough for me, but pretty much nothing compared to what you'd done.
    No, don't worry about it! I was entirely joking! Now I feel bad for making you feel guilty. D:

    Why all the stress? You mentioned being busy with work, is it because of that?

    I'm majoring in business. I don't like to admit it though, because a lot of the business majors at my school act like idiots. I'm trying to avoid the stigma you see. What do you do? Do you go to grad school or do you work? If the latter, what is that you do?
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