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  • Also, it's about time we break out the dance mat and have a dance off. It's been too long.
    Mediation is something I haven't attempted yet, but I think if I have the patience to actually begin it would be enormously beneficial. Thanks for the suggestion, and I hope you have many more great days as well. :)
    I'm still at the point in my life where I view having kids as a hindrance to my independence. As you said, it's selfish, but I also feel that eventually I'll reach a crossroads where I will actually want to make my life all about someone else. From what I've seen of the world, a person can only live for themself for so long before the entire process of gratifying their own desires becomes redundant and meaningless. Of course, that period of time varies, but I almost just know it will be sooner rather than later for me.
    That's a great (if difficult) resolution. Especially purposefully allowing yourself to be vulnerable -- that takes a kind of courage a lot of people don't have.
    As far as my resolution, it is to live in the moment rather than always looking ahead to the future. In high school I did everything for the sole purpose of college, but now that I'm here I've found myself living for the ever more distant future. I realized that if I don't change my outlook, my life will be gone before I know it, which has depressed me sufficiently enough to take action. The problem is that I don't really know HOW to live in the moment, so I'm making it up as I go. :)
    We can't really talk to each other, unless we both use micros, but we've never done that anymore.
    So "anymore" is not the best word.
    I find your theory of life experience very interesting. How close have you come to achieving your teenage ambition? While I think it would probably be very beneficial and enlightening to be able to experience the whole spectrum of situations/emotions/what have you, I'm definitely more than slightly terrified at what it might bring out in me.
    When you say a family, do you mean a more traditional version with two kids and a dog, or a broader category of faithful, close human companionship?
    My parent's pulled that same stunt when I was in high school. I feel your pain.
    It's cool, I figured it out. I accidentally banned someone from a thread but figured out how to un-ban them.

    My knee jerk reaction was to come to my man in shinning armor.
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