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  • You're going to be an irresistible multilingual dark-mysterious man in just a matter of weeks!
    If you're interested, you should work on learning some Flamenco guitar. We could serenade the lady rhinos in tiny chat. Of course, you'll have to get a wig of flowing black locks.
    Lol, not a whole lot. I'm trying to rush through all of my unread threads (okay, it's actually called procrastination) so I can finish this stupid paper for my online class, and get around to calling back all of the places I applied to. On top of that, I'm watching Portugal suck against Brazil, but somehow holding them to 0-0.

    How about you? What's new, mofo (in response to your GLARING text lol)
    Enhancing autopilots in commercial airplanes. I'm focusing on how to upgrade the autopilot as to alert the human pilot that there's a leak in the fuel tank when in the air.

    Russ, Shai and Kav helped me out last night on tinychat. We were all brainstorming, and we came up with good ideas.
    Montreal has more culture and contrasting lifestyles, and it's my favourite canadian city so far, but I'd very much like to try out other places. Starting with Ontario (Toronto, Mississauga), I also wanna try out Calgary and Vancouver. I just like to travel around a lot.

    Don't worry, I am just typing up what I've written down already. Have to hand it in by 5 pm today.
    you're right, it starts the 25th of June (today) and ends on the 6th of July. However, there are stuff going on from 11:AM till 12 AM the next day. My high school is actually participating. They're playing this morning, but I'll have to miss it to finish my paper. *sigh*

    There are a few things on which I spend money, and that's food, clothes, and books. lol My budget is just that simple. :P I'm lucky to have my parents pay for my college tuition. I will pay them back one day in love and affection. :D

    I wanted to move out to Ontario for a lil while, but I changed my mind after the earthquake that took place two days ago. It was quite strong, we even felt it here in Montreal.
    Well, we host it every summer, so if you ever plan on going traveling, you know where to go. ;)

    How far have you read in the book? And a collection of Gibran's work. Wow, that's awesome. But it musta cost you some money, no?
    Wanna come to the Jazz Fest with me tonight?

    *checks how far Iowa is from Montreal*

    on a second thought we can just hang on tiny chat. lol
    Yup, but it's not a biggie, so it feels like I am on Vacation already. Oh what a feeling, I didn't realize how exauhsted till today when I actually got to sleep in and not worry about anything.

    aw, well hopefully work wont be so crazy tmrw. :D
    My test was goood!! I think I did well, it wasn't easy, but I think I was able to solve the problems correctly. I hope I did REALLY good, coz I need the good grades.

    I actually like the analogy you used, it fits perfectly...and it pleased the philosopher in me. :P Politics and economics ARE games, if you know how to play, you can survive, and even win. But I am not really into politics all that much, I mean I like to know the theory behind all, like you said, and I watch the election debate when we have elections, just coz I like debates, but other than, actual and current politics don't really interest me all that much.

    I understand your frustration completely with managers completely. Unfortonately, the ones who are supposed to be managing refuse to do the job, I don't know why, even tho they'll probably be more efficient at it because they experience in the field. Plato was right when he wrote his Allegory of the Cave; the wise usually refuse a position of power, when actually THEY should be the ones running things. I'm sure he said it in a much more eloquent way, but that sums it up lol

    which reminds me, how are the readings going so far? and how did your long weekend? hopefully you got to relax?
    *resist urge to whip out permanent markers and draw a Dick Dastardly mustache and squiggle hat on an unconscious NAI*
    Up till now a little bit of everything. Most recently I've been unemployed, started a new job today as a convenience store clerk. Before that I spent a year working as a telephone operator. Before that I spent close to six years working as an archaeological field technician. Before that I worked for four years as a residential supervisor teaching violent MR children independent living skills. Spent six months performing computer troubleshooting for my local board of education technology annex while I was still in school. Was a bus boy for six months at a Shoneys and then my first job was as a general worker at a department store. You hiring? :P

    Sounds like you had a nice Sunday.
    Thank you for caring, it means a lot to me. It is difficult of course, but somehow God has given me some peace from the physical and emotional torture of the past three weeks. I feel so much better. :) It's because of all the people who were talking to me, like yourself and my other friends. :) FEEL SPECIAL! :P

    Aww, I am sure family time was much more wonderful than driving around town for poker night, though I am sure it would have been a blast. Lol. That's so cute that you got him all those gifts. :) You are going to spoil him though. :P So you practiced guitar and stuff too? How is it going?

    I just achieved this state of mind. It made me happy. :) I bought a little journal that I saw at Barnes and Noble a few months ago. I didn't buy it then because I didn't need it. Now I found a use for it so I went to the store and it was still there.:D So I got it. It made me super happy. I am such a simple thing. hehe.
    Thank you. :) I am sorry to have made you worry. I needed some time to myself to do some intensive pondering. This is the state I have achieved. I don't know how long it will last, but I want to learn and experience it as much as I can.

    I am happy to hear your weekend was relaxing. :) What did you do?
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